Liliac Not afraid outdoor cover

4 months ago

Liliac not afraid bass guitar cover
Liliac band queen of hearts cover
Liliac band cover music video

Liliac not afraid bass guitar cover I love Liliac i have been following them and seeing what they are up to since the first album I thought the first album was good . But Queen of hearts and the new album Carousel is quite stunning . Melody vocals her sister stunning drums The guitar player is incredible and the two brothers on bass and keyboards are excellent .

Liliac band queen of hearts cover The band is tight and i am happy they play real music By that i mean most modern bands are uninspired and bland But they have a good sound engineer as they know that young people do not understand anything about music Most modern bands focus on the quality of soujd knowing that young people buy quality of sound and not quality music .

Liliac band cover music video Young people would not know the difference between a good and bad song . They do not know what a time change is . I know by experience In my band Song of love metal official I hire drummers when i have hired drummer less than 30 years old it has always been a disaster . They have no clue how to change tempo and to put a good drum fill .

Liliac not afraid bass guitar cover This is because modern music has become very stupid and esy . So the mind of people are trained in listening to stupid music 3 minute song No time changes 3 chords . Liliac band queen of hearts cover Modenr young musicians get totally lost when the song is longer than 3 minutes and when it has time changes and more than 3 chords .

Liliac band cover music video keep the true rock and metal fire going . They put original things in their music a lot of passion and sincerity This is also one main thing missing from modern mpusic sincerity . They are fake and they seem to not care about their music . Liliac truly cares about their music it is their life Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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