Who is Anunnaki?

6 months ago

The Anunnaki hereditarily designed homo erectus to make present day people to fill in as their slaves. Sitchin guaranteed that the Anunnaki had to leave Earth when Antarctic icy masses dissolved, causing the Flood of Noah, which additionally obliterated the Anunnaki's bases on Earth. These must be reconstructed and the Nephilim, requiring more people to help in this gigantic exertion, shown them farming. Ronald H. Fritze composes that, as indicated by Sitchin, "the Annunaki constructed the pyramids and the wide range of various great designs from around the world that antiquated space traveler scholars think about so difficult to work without profoundly trend setting innovations." Sitchin additionally asserted that the Anunnaki had left behind human-outsider cross breeds, some of whom may in any case be alive today, unconscious of their outsider family line.

A lot of what we think about the Sumerian human progress comes from signs that they abandoned in great many earth tablets. Right up 'til today, these tablets are as yet being investigated. However, one creator guaranteed that a portion of the writings hold an unbelievable disclosure — the Anunnaki were really outsiders.

In 1976, a researcher named Zecharia Sitchin composed a book called The twelfth Planet, what shared interpretations of 14 tablets identified with Enki, an offspring of the Sumerian incomparable god An. His book guaranteed that the Sumerians accepted that the Anunnaki came from a distant planet called Nibiru.

As indicated by Sitchin, Nibiru has a stretched circle of 3,600 years. At a certain point, this planet passed nearby Earth. Also, its kin, the Anunnaki, chosen to connect with our reality around 500,000 years prior.

In any case, the Anunnaki looked for something beyond a cordial trade. They needed gold, which they frantically expected to fix their planet's climate. Since the Anunnaki couldn't mine gold themselves, they chose to hereditarily design crude people to dig gold for them.


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