King James bible audio 5 of 8 Psalms 118 to Jeremiah 49

3 months ago

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King james bible audio Pt5 psalms 118 to Jeremiah 49 The most sold book in the world the holy bible audiobook Incredible that we can read the bible as once it was forbidden and many people died because they just read the bible King james bible audio Pt5 psalms 118 to Jeremiah 49 You have the life of Jesus in old testament the story of how Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

God preserved a whole nation and called men to give the truth to a world which is lost in sin King james bible audio Pt5 psalms 118 to Jeremiah 49 All scripture is given by inspiration of God in fact God talked through men he chose to give the truth and save you and me from eternal destruction

You can listen audio king james bible youtube video The mind is deceitful above all things who can know it the bible says . In fact the bible says that no human beings can understand to which point human discernment has been weakened at the fall of Adam and Eve . The only way for God to teach us the difference between right and wrong is to send a book . The same way that the sea captain can use his reasoning powers, but this will not be enough to know where he finds himself in the sea.

Listen now to this amazing free audio bible king james version on youtube free The same way the human being i the sea of life it is impossible for him to discerne where he is in relation to sin and eteranl life . Inless the human being humbles himself his proud reason and understands that God is much wiser and knows all things , and only God can help him to escape a false conclusion of what life is . He is eternally lost . Earth last day bible channel tell your friends about our youtube channel

Incredible audio bible king james version on youtube video Salvation is by faiht only without the worls of the law . But why do people say we are saved by works also ? Because they do not rightly divide the Word of God . We need to take all verses in contaxt knowing that God does it this way to find out if we are going to be honest enough to seek deeper in the Word of God .

When it says we are saved by works also , nowhere is it saying that we have to do the works . listen audio king james bible youtube video . The bible says that God does the worls through us . Our own works are dirty and of no help to make it to heaven . Earth last day like and suscribe

Listen to free audio bible king james version on youtube free . Even the works that God does through us do not helo tp go to heaven.
In this amazing audio bible king james version on youtube video we learn that the intention makes the whole difference .

Listen audio king james bible youtube video and learn that the intention on why we do things makes the whole difference. Works for love to God is the right intention . Works to save ourselves or to show we are good, or to prove we are holy are evil intentions . Listen now to free audio bible king james version on youtube free . The legalist and the converted men they both work . And to the outside observer they both look good . But God knows the heart .
Watch now audio bible king james version on youtube video Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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