The Best Is Yet To Come

5 months ago

✨" Finding bliss can be as easy as asking one simple question.

Get ready to discover it with me!

I used to focus on everything that went wrong. I worried.

One day, I learned to ask myself a life-changing question- What's right in my life?

It opened my eyes to the graces I’d been overlooking.

Maybe it was a call from a friend, the sunshine and clouds outside, or witnessing a divine intervention that saved a life.

Focusing on these little positives shifted my outlook.

So here's a challenge for you- every morning, ask yourself, What's right in my life today?

Write it down if you need to. Take that first step, and let positivity lead the way.

You'll be amazed at how this simple act can transform your mindset.

The best is yet to come.

Stay blissed 🌸 Be kInd.

Thank you 💛

#getoffyourbuns #love #lawofattraction #bekind #meditate #positivemindset #affirmations #breathe #meditate #believeinyourself #empowered #yes #doubleit

Video Edit: Emek Echo
Videos: Ai & Pexels

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