The Truth Comp # 8

6 months ago

These are videos from all over the world. Publish them to show awareness.
I don't get any excitement out of it.
We are surrounded around good and bad.
At the moment the bad is out weighing the good in this world.
Stay vigilant.
Be prepared.
Educate yourself.
Silicon Valley will close your mind.
Find websites with news from all over the world.
you will notice that we are all fighting for the same reason now.
America is the last stand of freedom.
Some disagree.
many have given up on freedom already.
It's what "They want"
Rockerfellers/Rothchilds/WHO/George Sorros/
your local Politicians/World leaders/Goverment officials/ Corporate owners. .
You name it.
We The People all around the world are in control.
Remember that.

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