The Sovereignty Summit 3

4 months ago

Bid by Secretary-General for Emergency Powers Must be Rejected

On August 29th, a majority of the nation’s governors declared in response to the World Health Organization’s recently adopted treaty amending its International Health Regulations and another pandemic-related one still under negotiation that “We will not comply.” [1] In so doing, these twenty-six state chief executives are standing up for powers they uniquely have under our Constitution – but ones the Biden-Harris administration is happy to surrender to global government.

In fact, the administration is now supporting another, even more sweeping globalist power grab, this time by the United Nation’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He has in the works a “Pact for the Future” that will, if adopted on September 22-23 at the “Summit of the Future,” set in train “a process” that will create an “Emergency Platform.” According to a related policy brief, “Policy Brief #2: Our Common Agenda,” which he issued in March 2023, this platform would give the Secretary-General near-dictatorial powers to call emergencies in situations including climate change, economic disruptions, conflicts, cyberattacks, asteroids and other space phenomena and/or a catch-all dubbed “black swan events.”

In furtherance of this agenda, the United Nations is feverishly trying to finalize the draft Pact for the Future, several elements of which are still being negotiated. In addition to the “Emergency Platform,” a second is dubbed the “Global Digital Compact.” The UN tried to obtain the approval of the then-current drafts of these documents by Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. (immediately after the long Labor Day weekend in the United States) through a cunning process known in UN-speak as the “Silence Procedure.” If no nation objects (or “breaks the silence”), the documents will be considered adopted and ready to be rubber-stamped at the Summit three weeks from now.

In response to this latest example of international bureaucratic skullduggery – reminiscent of the literally dark-of-night diplomatic machinations that resulted on June 1st in the World Health Assembly’s acceptance of what amounts to a treaty amending the WHO’s International Health Regulations – the Sovereignty Coalition circulated an Open Letter urging one or more nations to break the silence in opposition to this further effort to advance “global governance.” It was endorsed by numerous influential and Constitution-loving Americans, including 20 organizations and 22 individuals.

The good news is that several nations reportedly did break the silence. It is unclear at the moment, however, whether any of the objections were made by nations standing up for sovereignty and personal freedoms or whether some of the objections may have been made by those who want to concentrate even more power in the hands of the UN.

What is clear is that America’s patriotic governors – and everybody else committed to our form of limited, accountable, representative and constitutional form of government – must establish that “We will not comply” with the United Nation’s efforts to impose instead a one world government.

To that end, the Sovereignty Coalition will be convening its third virtual Sovereignty Summit from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, September 16th. As with the previous two such summits (see here and here,) we will be inviting leading parliamentarians, subject matter experts, constitutional attorneys and other freedom fighters from around the world to express their opposition to the globalists’ efforts to subvert national sovereignty, whether they be underway at the World Health Organization, the United Nations or in any other forum. Register to attend here.

The Coalition looks forward as well to the consideration of legislation this month by the U.S. House of Representatives designed to thwart such initiatives at the WHO by requiring that any agreements the WHO’s International Negotiating Body has or will produce must be subjected to the Senate for its formal advice and consent, requiring the approval of a two-thirds majority for such treaties to be binding on the American people. We urge that this bill, H.R. 1425, “The No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Consent,” be amended to ensure a similar treatment with respect to the UN’s parallel attempt to supplant the role of our own government to deal with non-health emergencies.

For more information about these topics, the work of the Sovereignty Coalition and how you can help, join us at and on Substack.
[1] Special thanks to Sovereignty Coalition members Joe Gebbia and State Shield for their support for the governors’ latest and penultimate actions on the WHO sponsored by the Republican Governors Association.


FRANK GAFFNEY, Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy thanks and welcomes contributors and audience


REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, ESQ, Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition; Founder of Anti-Globalist International; and Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

Dr. ROBERT MALONE, M.D., M.S., Inventor of the mRNA technology, author of Lies My Government Told Me

LUCIO MALAN, Italian Senator, Secretary of the Presidency of the Senate, member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Dr. JAMES LINDSAY, PhD, Author of “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender and Identity – and Why This Harms Everybody”; mathematician

JOE GEBBIA, Founder of State Shield

Dr. JIM GARLOW, Founder and CEO, Well Versed, a ministry for elected officials; author of many books

Hon. ROBERT DESTRO, Professor of Law at Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law; fmr Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL); fmr commissioner for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

MERYL NASS, MD, A medical doctor and founder, Door to Freedom, with expertise on anthrax and other aspects of biological warfare

PHILIPP KRUSE, LL.M., Partner, Kruse Law headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland; Leading critic of the WHO

ALEX NEWMAN, Contributor, The Epoch Times; award-winning journalist, educator, author, “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Gov’t Schools to Destroy America’s Children”

KAT LINDLEY, D.O., Primary Care Physician; Co-founder, Global Health Project; contributor to the Global Covid Summit; President of the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association; Member of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons

BILL WALTON, Resolute Protector Foundation; Host, The Bill Walton Show; Vice Chair, Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC); Vice Chair, retired Financial Sector Senior Executive and Chief Executive Officer

PAM PRYOR, Fmr Senior Bureau Official for International Organizational Affairs during the Trump administration, fmr Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights

Dr. ANDREA NAZARENKO, PhD, Founder and President of The Inspired Network

ARIEL KELLNER, Member of Israel’s Knesset

LARA LOGAN, 14 Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter; former CBS News Chief, Foreign Affairs Correspondent and host of “60 Minutes”

Sen. RON JOHNSON, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, Member of of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Budget and Finance committees

MARGARET BYFIELD, Executive Director, American Stewards for Liberty

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