THE DESTINY OF HUMANITY Part 25: Good Intentions, Compassion & Cruelty

5 months ago

King David wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, but a man was accidentally killed the first time, and the second time he did it God's way and got it right. David also wanted to build a temple but God told him no because he had shed too much blood.

God moved upon David to secure the borders of Israel and establish control over the whole nation. David won major victories over the Philistines, committed genocide against the Moabites, and conquered Zobah, Syria, Edom and displayed extreme savagery to the Ammonites. He placed garrisons in the defeated cities and they were forced to pay tribute to Israel.

David is described as a man after God's own heart. He experienced great joy in bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem but Michal spoiled it for him. God refused to allow him to build the temple because he had too much blood on his hands but David did not take this to heart and continued to indiscriminately kill people.

David showed compassion to the son of Jonathan but he failed to show any consideration to the defeated nations and took horrible revenge when he was betrayed.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1692 -- FEBRUARY 24, 2019

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