2020 Netflix Documentary Footage Shows Taylor Swift Defiantly Telling Her Team She Will Speak out Against Trump and Sen. Blackburn

4 months ago

UNKNOWN MALE: “‘Taylor Swift comes out against Trump.’”
SWIFT: “I don’t care if they write that. I’m sad that I didn’t two years ago, but I can’t change that. I’m saying right now that this is something that I know is right and you guys, I need to be on the right side of history. And if he doesn’t win, at least I tried.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “You know, here’s the problem — “
SWIFT: “I just want to read you what I wrote and I’m going to try to start — I just really want you to know that this is important to me and this is something — “
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “Have you heard her — “
UNKNOWN MALE: “Yes, I read the entire thing. And the bottom line right now, I’m terrified of it. I’m the guy that went out and bought armored cars.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “I worry for her safety as much as anybody does, maybe more.”
SWIFT: “It really is a big deal. She votes against — against fair pay for women. She votes against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which is just basically protecting us for domestic abuse and stalking. Stalking! She votes — she thinks that that if you’re a gay couple or even if you look like a gay couple, you should be allowed to be kicked out of a restaurant. It’s really basic human rights and it’s right and wrong at this point, and I can’t see another commercial and see her disguising these policies behind the words ‘Tennessee Christian values.’ Those aren’t Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I am Christian. That’s not what we stand for. I need to do this. I need you to just — dad, I need you to forgive me for doing it, because I’m doing it.”

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