THE DESTINY OF HUMANITY Part 21: From Singing to Killing

3 months ago

David came from a godly lineage and he learned to worship the Lord at an early age. In time he became the most famous singer and song writer in the history of Israel but it all started when David was thrust into the national spotlight for killing the vaunted Philistine giant named Goliath.

Afterwards, he was taken to the court of King Saul and given a position as an officer in the army. When the shepherd boy turned into a soldier, it also changed his tender heart as killing became a way of life. He even went so far as to murder 200 Philistine men for their foreskins as a dowry to King Saul for the hand of Michal.

As David's popularity rose among the people, it also aroused the king's jealousy, and eventually Saul actively sought to kill David. The Bible describes David as a man after God's own heart but the ugliness of the battlefield damages the souls of men.

As a man of war, David shed so much blood that God refused to let him build the temple. This future king who loved to play the harp and sing to the Lord became desensitized to death and destruction and this changed his outlook on life.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1688 -- JANUARY 27, 2019

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