U.S. Housing Market Faces a Demographic Tsunami (Prepare Or Suffer)

5 months ago

U.S. Housing Market Faces a Demographic Tsunami (Prepare Or Suffer)

IN THIS VIDEO: A demographic shockwave is about to hit the U.S. housing market, and most people have no idea it’s coming. Whether you're a real estate investor, homeowner, or renter, this shift will affect you.

Keith Weinhold, founder of Get Rich Education and member of the Forbes Real Estate Council, explains how birth rates and population trends from the past 30 years will create a surge in housing demand through the next decade.

With 13,000 Americans turning 35 every day for the next decade, the U.S. will face a severe housing shortage. We break down how these demographic trends will influence home prices, rental rates, and the future of real estate.

Plus, learn why building more housing is critical and how immigration and falling household sizes will add even more pressure to the market.

🔴 Learn how you can prepare and benefit from these inevitable changes by owning more rental properties.

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