'On Our Radar' - Trump Shooter Was Known To The FBI

5 months ago

Posted • September 17, 2024: Besides tracking pro-life old ladies praying in front of abortion clinics, luring autistic men into kidnapping plots and generally being the Biden Administration's attack dogs, the FBI's other responsibility must include passively watching radar screens. 🚨 CONFIRMED: Trump attempted-assassin Ryan Routh has been on the FBI's radar since 2019. Yep. Felony convictions, possession of a weapon of mass destruction and a Biden/Harris supporter. All the signs were there. Though the third one is not illegal, it can be considered a sign of an unstable mind. So yeah, the FBI did the meme. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXn_j0uXsAAWN6t?format=jpg&name=medium -- Yep. But the FBI was to busy harassing concerned school parents. We're generally pro-law enforcement here. And we do appreciate that a good percentage of the FBI are good, hard-working people.

But along with that comes the concern that at the top levels, there are more political operatives than civil servants committed to protecting the Constitution. Also, there seems to be a lot of bumbling. This drinking game isn't even fun anymore. Although some are still able to laugh about it even if it's causing liver damage. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'On Our Radar' - Trump Shooter Was Known to The FBI

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