Yankee Doodle - Kids Nursery Rhymes

4 months ago

Yankee Doodle - Kids Nursery Rhymes

Here are the lyrics to the classic nursery rhyme "Yankee Doodle":


**Yankee Doodle went to town,**
**Riding on a pony,**
**Stuck a feather in his hat**
**And called it Macaroni.**

**Yankee Doodle went to town,**
**Yankee Doodle dandy,**
**Mind the music and the step,**
**And with the girls be handy.**

**Father and I went down to camp,**
**Along with Captain Gooding,**
**And there we saw the men and boys**
**As thick as hasty pudding.**

**Yankee Doodle went to town,**
**Riding on a pony,**
**Stuck a feather in his hat**
**And called it Macaroni.**

**And there we saw a man of war**
**As big as a log cabin,**
**And every time the gun went off**
**It scar’d us out of our skin.**

**Yankee Doodle went to town,**
**Riding on a pony,**
**Stuck a feather in his hat**
**And called it Macaroni.**

**Yankee Doodle went to town,**
**Yankee Doodle dandy,**
**Mind the music and the step,**
**And with the girls be handy.**


This lively song is a favorite for its catchy tune and playful lyrics.

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