Universal Pistol Grip Sleeve Solution Tabletop Review - Episode #202430

3 months ago

Universal Pistol Grip Sleeve Solution and installation. Some pistols have a kick to them when fired that can be uncomfortable for the shooter. In most cases, if it’s a carry weapon, I’ll just accept that as one of the drawbacks to that particular pistol. Adding rubberized grips increase the thickness of the gun and increase stickiness when drawing, so I’m reluctant to do so. However, if the gun is more of a “range” gun, I might try to improve the firearm’s comfort with the addition of good aftermarket grips. My go-to solution is usually Hogue grips. They have a wide selection of grips and even some “universal” solutions. However, in the case of my Polish P-64, I could not find a Hogue grip recommended to fit. So, doing an Internet search. I found a cheap but effective solution in a universal $5 grip sleeve. This video demonstrates the installation of the sleeve on the P-64.

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