EJ Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book

2 months ago

Original audio https://ellenwhiteaudio.org
Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book The book of John could be the most read book in the bible This is where we see the love of Jesus for you and me very clearly Waggoner on the gospel of John The book of John contains the most famous bible verse For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son Earth last day bible channel suscribe

We see Nicodemus not knowing what salvation was and yet he was a leader of the church Waggoner on the gospel of John The book of John shows the character of God loving, kind, honest, merciful Jesus really loves you and cares immensely for you Find the love of God in this amazing book Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book

Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book Few people understand righteousness by faith . So if few people understand righteousness by faith, then what can we expect. Little material on the topic . Like prophet Ellen g White said not one in 100 in the church understand this topic .
commentary on the gospel of john new testament So we should treat with gold each material God sends us so that we can understand and become converted . As very few christians are converted . This audio book on the gospel of John new testament

And you can look my channel, there is more incredible and precious rare books on righteousness by faith . Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book Why is this topic vital ? Because Paul said Jesus is made to you of no effect if you think you are saved by works . And Paul said you are separated from Jesus if you believe you are saved by works also Earth last day bible channel pass it on to your friends

commentary on the gospel of john new testament . Would you want ot be separated from Jesus yet going to church and claiming to be a christian ? No Do you want to be a christian all your life, and end up finding out that you were never converted and Jesus tell you Depart from me you who work iniquijty ? No audio book on the gospel of john new testament

Because most people who are legalists and claim to be saved by grace, in reality believe they are good and saved by what they do . If it is by works, then it is not more of faith . If you need to work to go to heaven, then you are not saved by faith . When James says we are saved by works also . He does not say we do the works . Ellen G White is clear she says God does the works through us

Waggoner on the gospel of John audio book I tis impossible for our works to be of any value, as they are dirty rags . commentary on the gospel of john new testament . How can dirty rags be a any value . Does God accept dirty works ? No Jesus death on the cros sis sufficient, and when we work we do so because we love Jesus and not to be saved . audio book on the gospel of john new testament . The intention makes all the difference . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe
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