The Numbers Pill: The Dark Secret of Numbers and Mathematics

6 months ago

Contrary to popular belief, numbers discretize(split up) our otherwise continuous phenomenon(reality). Can we live in a world 🌍without numbers#? How do we measure things in such a world? Does the use of numbers 1.2.3 actually mean a more advanced society? Do numbers allow a society to become easily controlled? ⛓️⛓️

The question is whether the discretization of reality is good for humanity from the global and long-term perspective.

This means that if mathematics and numbers are a limited suboptimal language for interpreting reality, then our sub-optimal reality could result from our sub-optimal language(mathematics). What would it look like if we invented a new language beyond math? How do we go beyond numbers?

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By Alexander Ngu (∆∞Ο)® aka The Man Who Killed The Equal Sign aka Triangle Infinity Circle (∆∞Ο)®

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