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Solar crops!

5 months ago



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#Solar #Crops


  • 0/2000
  • Wherever these things are,they destroy the environment.They leak dangerous carcinogenic chemicals & are nigh on impossible to recycle. So,NO,they cannot co-exist with nature. Bullshit studies by vested interests will not convince me otherwise !

  • Nature has figured out how to take sunlight and carbon dioxide and directly create sugar. Nature has figured out how to take sugar and polymerize it into (1) starch (2) cellulose (3) lignan Nature has figured out how to take starch and convert it into oil (1) your own body Nature has figured out how to take cellulose and convert it into oil through two opposite procedures (1) living fungi and herbivores, (2) the dead geology of coal and oil Nature has figured out to create (1) hemoglobin with a central iron atom (2) chlorophyll with a central magnesium atom as the keys to invent (1) aerobic respiration (2) photosynthesis But Man can't even create a single chlorophyll molecule in a test tube. We'd rather build 2 ton automobiles powered by 1/2 ton batteries and pretend to charge them with solar panels and energy-negative windmills.

  • I would be concerned the panels get damaged and leech the chemicals into the crops when it rains

  • Harvesting crops planted beneath solar panels would be very difficult and more costly to harvest.

  • do you like mudkips?

  • a good place for panels is all the storage units warehouses you see everywhere.

  • I live in an arid coastal region and there's a farm nearby that uses a solar field to power a desalination plant which provides water to grow primarily tomatoes. A lot of tomatoes. They also use a different solar technology where reflective panels point at a tower which melts salt and stores heat to be used in a more conventional generator. Sundrop farms is the name of the facility. Solar works where I live but the occasional overcast day makes me think it'd be pretty shit in an area where it's frequently overcast.

  • I hope when the technology can pay it's own way every roof will be a solar panel. I hope the same for smaller windmills tho the nimbys will bitch they're unsightly.....

  • solar panels contain cadmium tellurium and all kinds of other fun elements that I really don't want around the crops that I'm going to eventually eat

  • Nuclear FTW.

  • Set the panels in space, Use them to power lasers that are focused to provide heat to turn turbines to make power. Use dirt to grow crops. Or better yet, tap volcanos to produce power. Your pal Scott.

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  • solar creates high temp above unit killing bees and harming birds if in huge numbers And then... next wind storm or hail... lighting on the patio-- fine... a city.. no f ing way

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  • here in West Texas you about have to put a roof over your garden or the Texas heat and lack of rain will cook them, and for get about watering them since the electrical grid is always warming of overstress and water restrictions... shit my garden got barbecued and the squash barely did anything and I had plants growing that were accidental, those are weeds that produce though.

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  • I'd be concerned about leaked carcinogenics and heavy metals. There's also the consideration of DNA damage from prolonged exposure to EM radiation for the entire lifespan of the plant.

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  • Solar fields are created by corporate energy investors, Gvt subsidies (“Green initiatives”) and intervention into the free market by being gatekeepers/ doormen, to restrict the ability of the average homeowner to harvest their own self sufficient amount of energy, by restricting supply which increases demand and thereby, the cost, making the tech near unobtainable to the average persons all so Gvt and Energy Corps can use energy/ energy policy as a means to control said persons, profit individually and ensure the continuity of their organisations.

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