Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed in the bible ?

4 months ago

Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed in the bible ? This is an important question to answer ads Jesus said that we are living in simmilar times and for us not to be amazed when we see God upnishing the wirked people of the earth with catastrophies . The 3 sins of these cities were Aidelness, pride, fulmess of bread or not helping the poor . Earth last day like and suscribe

When we study what were the sins of gomorrah of the bible ? We find out that the firs tsins was pride, this is very important because our society says many things ar esins that God does not regard as sin and pride which is the most offensive sin in the bible , most people today say it is not a sin .
I remember one brother told me that we cannot measure pride and nobody ca know if someone is proud . So in fact this is disminishing the very reason why we are in such problems today and the fall of Satan Why did God destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah ?

Stuyin gthis topic Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed in the bible ? We find that Satan fall was exactly for this sin that people do not think is important . It was so important for God that 1 third of angels fell into Satan s side . It is so repulsive for God that Adam and Eve fell because of the pride of Satan as a created being to think he could take the earth that belongs to God .

What were the sins of gomorrah of the bible ? In learning this topic we learn that Satans pride cost the lofe of Jesus on the cross . Millions of people dying and suffering, and sickness separation, loneliness, and so much suffering on earht just because one angel wante to think hilself superior to God and Satan thought himself so beautiful and intelligent that he thought all these gifts of God he gave himself . Earth last day pass our channel to your friends

Why did god destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah ? We learn that idelness is filing the churches, the second sin of Sodom was not working , we can see this sin that the churches ar edoing nothing for God , missions are left to perish . Some missionaries say few people ar egiving to missions and less missionaries are sent every year . While at the same time people buil dmillion dollars churches for their own gratification .

Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed in the bible ? The third sin is fullnes sof bread . We see that it is not having a lot that was a sin but not being grateful fro what God did to them . Did you know that one thing God loves us to do is to be grateful . How sad would a parent be if the children never were thankful for what he did for them ? It would be a very sad situation . Let us thank God and be grateful to our heavenly Father who blesses and makes us so happy . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

What were the sins of gomorrah of the bible ? We know that thos esins are filling not only society and the world . Really when you ask most people they would say O those things are not important pride, idelness and fulness of bread Who cares ? The problem is that we are not God and he is the one who decides what is good and evil . Why did God destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah ? Adn if we continue to try to be gdo and think we can decide what is right and wrong then God will intervene as human beings do not decide right and wrong, human beings need to follow the bible and their creator . Pride , idelness and fulness of bread causes the fall of Sodom and Gommrrah . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe


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