How toxic stress from the sociopath damages your health

5 months ago

Lovefraud is offering a groundbreaking webinar series called, “Skills training for recovery from narcissistic abuse, gaslighting and toxic stress.” It is presented by Dr. Liane Leedom, a psychiatrist and professor of counseling and psychology at the University of Bridgeport.

The second module in the series is, “Recovery from the bodily effects of toxic stress.” You are emotionally overwhelmed, but demands must still be met. You have intense pain that can’t be resolved quickly. This is when you need crisis survival skills to help you slow down, calm down and think. Dr. Liane Leedom teaches you what to do.

The complete series offers you five webinars for 25 hours of experiential training. They are:
• FREE! Your first step towards real recovery from narcissistic abuse and trauma
• Mindfulness to clear you head of sociopathic gaslighting
• Recovery from the bodily effects of toxic stress
• Strategies for reducing emotional distress and vulnerability
• Evidence-based tools for respectful and fulfilling relationships

Sign up for the FREE introduction at:

More info:

Consultations, deep emotional relief and reiki with Donna Andersen:

Is your partner a sociopath? Get the exclusive Lovefraud checklist:

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