The Party Of Joy's Toned-Down Rhetoric On The Day Trump Survives A 2nd Assassination Attempt

5 months ago

Posted • September 16, 2024: We've said it once, we've said it a thousand times. And we'll likely say it a thousand times more. You simply do not hate the mainstream media enough. You just don't. As it became clear that there was a second assassination attempt on Trump's life, the twits at MSNBC were quick to blame ... Trump. No really. And then they talked about how he needs to tone his rhetoric down. Not the jackass Democrats who keep insisting Trump is a THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY and he MUST BE STOPPED. No no, Trump himself is to blame for this second attempt on his life. You can't even make this up, MSNBC's Alex Witt argues *the Trump campaign* needs to turn down the rhetoric now that Donald Trump has been shot at for the second time in three months. "Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to [tone it down]?" Elise Jordan replies she hopes Trump makes this "a unity-type" inflection point, but fears he won't do it. -- But fears he won't do it. K. Yes, because it's all on him to get people to stop trying to kill him, and not the Democrats who spread hate-filled and terrifying rhetoric each and every day.

Case in point: Dem Party activist 'Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis' says that Donald Trump is 'exactly like Mussolini and Hitler,' calls him a 'fascist authoritarian weasel,' and claims that 'America created Nazi Germany.' - “It is outrageous, it’s horrifying, but it’s expected from a fascist authoritarian who wants to create havoc in this country, who wants to take us to Todd Nazi Germany. We exported racism, fascism to Nazi Germany. We exported it to South Africa. Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump isn’t exactly like Mussolini, exactly like Hitler, he is that guy. Under his regime, you nice Christian, kind, loving Jewish people won’t want him. We’re not those people, and if we elect this fascist authoritarian weasel, we won’t get what we want.” (…)

• More at: Twitchy - DBags at MSNBC Quick to Blame Trump and HIS Rhetoric for Second Assassination Attempt on HIS Life
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