Exposing Freemason Satanic Social Networks and their Behaviour Online, GettyMasonSlaves

5 months ago

@StevenDKelley Getty Museum Los Angeles California. Use your Gifts. Look 1+ Mile Below the Super Structure for yourself. Coordinates 34°04′39″N 118°28′30″W
"The only thing that will change anything, the only thing that can give us the power to actually stop this and save us from this Holocaust, is if we change the narrative entirely to something they can't defend. And that is the Getty and what's under the Getty. And the crimes that are happening under the Getty." Steven D Kelley Former Intertel, NSA/CIA Electro-Laser Optics Micro Photo Lithography Engineer, Inventor and Contractor スティーブン・D・ケリー 元インターテル、NSA/CIAエレクトロ・レーザー光学発明者兼請負業者
Стивен Д. Келли Бывший инженер, изобретатель и подрядчик Intertel, АНБ/ЦРУ по электролазерной оптике
Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza, West Bank, Our Russian and Ukrainian speaking brothers and sisters on both sides against Ethnic Cleansing in Donbass, Crimea and Ukraine, Child Trafficking, Baby Eating, Satanic Ritual Rape, Murder, Organ Adrenochrome / Loosh Harvesting, Gavin Newsom, Gordon Getty, MK Ultra Monarch Alters, Bacteriophage Therapy mRNAコロナワクチン, Chemtrail ケムトレイル Immuno Compromising Aerosal Particulates, Morgellons, Cleaning Up the Mess of Fukushima, 3Mile Island, Chernobyl, WACO, Oklahoma City, 911, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya are all intertwined and connected. There is no Government. It's only us. #gg33 community on x
#gg33 Silver
#gg33 Gold
#gg33 Capo

@greatkingnoble @GayGarry

@Marvel Data Base
@OrderofEasternStar (earth-616)
@SoveignGrandMaster (@LazyTaco) @CaptainMarvelDiscord

Moderators of Twitter #GG33 community

#gg33 Gold they use to do numerology readings. Some of these are listed here. Some of these I think are also Capos.
There prices go up to $530 for advanced Tarot, usually $230 for most.
#gg33 Capo they also use to do numerology readings. These are listed here. Prices start at $280 per reading.


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