VietNam, OPS Plan 34A, LBJ Tapes; Treason

5 months ago

Clip 2: Lyndon B. Johnson
Monday, August 3, 1964, 1:21 P.M. (1:42)
Telephone Conversation with Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense,
Regarding the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

President Lyndon B. Johnson: Yes?
Secretary Robert McNamara: Mr. President, I set up those meetings for this afternoon with the Senate and House leaders and I thought if it was agreeable with you, I would say to them that some months ago you asked us to be pre pared for any eventuality in the Southeast Asia area and as a result of that we have prepared and just completed in great detail target analyses of the targets of North Vietnam. As a mailer of fact in ten minutes I'm going over with the Chiefs [the Joint Chiefs of Staff] the final work on this. We have pictures, analyses, numbers of sorties, bomb loadings, everything prepared for all the target systems of of North Vietnam, and I would describe this to the the leaders, simply indicating your desire that we be fully prepared for whatever may develop. And furthermore we've prepared detailed movement studies of any contingency forces required, air squadrons, et cetera.
President Johnson: So obviously now, if you go put this in the paper...
Secretary McNamara: Yeah, and I, I'm going to tell 'em that
President Johnson: and your enemy reads about it then he thinks we're already taking off and obviously you've got us in a war. But I've got to be candid with you and I want to tell you the truth.
Secretary McNamara: Exactly. I was going to start my remarks by that, but be damn sure it doesn't, or try to be sure it doesn't get in the paper.
President John And uh, uh I think it's right, and I, I will tell 'em that yesterday morning that uh, uh they reported the Maddox incident and uh during the day yesterday we sent we sent out this order and read them the statement I made this morning.
Secretary McNamara: Right, I'll do that.
President Johnson: And, so that Dirksen doesn't think that we have to wait on him, and that we...
Secretary McNamara: Yeah.
President Johnson: did go out when.
Secretary McNamara: Yes, I'll tell them the order went out yesterday and you were simply repeating it to the press this morning.
President Johnson: OK.

On the morning of 2 August 1964, the morning after OPLAN commandos raided a North Vietnamese radio transmitter located on an offshore island, one of these destroyers, the USS Maddox, was reported to have come under attack by DRV naval patrol boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. There was a second alleged attack on 4 August, which was later shown to be a falsehood.[5] These attacks, and the ensuing naval actions, known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, were seized upon by President Lyndon Johnson to secure passage by the U.S. Congress of the Southeast Asia Resolution (better known as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution) on 7 August 1964, leading to a dramatic escalation of the Vietnam War. It has since been alleged that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was partly a fabrication, including testimony by participants, such as squadron commander James Stockdale, in the events themselves. Even the attacks that did happen were not unprovoked, but a result of the OPLAN 34A raids, which was in essence an American operation.[5]

Treason? Did LBJ and others do something evil? America’s hidden war machine or Foundations like Rockefeller, Carnegie and others, see G, Edward Griffin talks on the clandestine US foundations and holiday perpetrate and continue the war machine besides the hidden elite!

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