Authentic Beef Tagine with Meslalla Olives: A Flavor-Packed Moroccan Delight

5 months ago

Learn how to make a mouthwatering Beef Tagine with Meslalla Olives, a traditional Moroccan dish packed with flavor. This tender beef recipe is simmered with tangy green olives, making it the perfect comfort food. Whether you're using beef or chicken, this versatile Moroccan tagine can be adjusted to suit your taste. Follow along as we show you step-by-step how to create this delicious, authentic tagine at home. Perfect for dinner parties or special family meals. If you're looking to try a Moroccan recipe that's bursting with flavor, give this one a try!

3 lbs beef shank
Approx 1.5c @mina green olives crushed & pitted
3T @mina olive oil
1 onion, gratedThen, it's time for the star 3 cloves of garlic, grated
Saffron, large pinch
1t cumin
1t paprika
1T parsley, chopped
1T cilantro, choppeut 30 minutes just to 2.5T freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 @mina preserved lemon, for serving Salt, to taste

This recipe can also be made with chicken instead of beef, and you can adjust the cooking time to suit your needs. Ideal for those looking to try a healthy and flavorful tagine at home.

- Try it with chicken for a lighter variation!
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