YouTube Silence and Punish Wrongspeak: Dr Bret Weinstein

1 day ago

Dr Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist who over the past five years has unraveled some of the science relating to covid-19. In the earlier days he did some fairly silly things such as showing his audience how to apply a t-shirt to your face as a mask. It's hard to understand how a biologist would not know this was useless but anyone is vulnerable to effective propaganda.

Later in time he interviewed some highly knowledgable "dissidents" and quickly realised that those in power were telling lies. When he interviewed Dr Robert Malone, creator of mRNA technology together with Steve Kirsch, inventor of the optical mouse, who have both been speaking out against the lies, explaining the science relating to the harms taking place, and advocating for human rights, the interview was removed from YouTube and his podcast The Dark Horse was immediately demonetised.

The purpose of the "Trusted News Initiative" is to silence dissent. Regardless of the accuracy of that dissent. The public can only remain supportive of what governments are doing in partnership with large corporations, if they are "protected" from the truth.


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