Air pollution affecting the children.Dragi Zmijanac Founder and President of the Children's Embassy

5 months ago

Air pollution affecting the children. Statement Dragi Zmijanac Founder and President of the Children's Embassy in the World
One of the first activities that First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi took concerning
the pollution were urgent measures for air pollution legislative changes to reduce pollution. Since
2016 Megjashi took actions regarding this issue. It is crucial for Megjashi that the Members of the
Parliament vote the legislative changes and reduce the permissible threshold of air pollution with
dangerous particles. The Children's Embassy Megjashi requires the permissible limits of PM 10
and PM 2.5 to not exceed more than 75 micrograms per cubic meter and not as now when the limit
is up to 200 and the government takes emergency measures when the situation is alarming. In the
video below, you can see some of the demands that Megjashi was working on and asking for the
government to took urgent measures regarding the air pollution.

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