What is the definition of fornication in the bible ?

2 months ago

What is the definition of fornication in the bible ?
What does fornication mean in the bible ?
Does fornication mean sex outside mariage in the bible ?

What is the definition of fornication in the bible ? This is such a misunderstood topic How society defines fornication today is a total lie On the other hand it does not mean you can have too much sex all the time . Fornication does not mean sex outside mariage IN leveticus 11 God defines all thz animals we can and cannot eat . The same way in leveticus 18 God defines all the sexual practices

What does fornication mean in the bible ? God never mentions sex outside mariage as a sin In Hebrews 9 26 it says Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin . It means that all sin in the old testament requied shedding of blood . Yet every time we find sex outside mariage in the old testament there is no shedding of blood

Does fornication mean sex outside mariage in the bible ? Deut 22 is a god example There are 3 sex examples in this chapter Example 1 and 2 people are married they commit adultery sex outaide their mariage , they are killed . Example three both are single the men and the woman and the only punishment is the men brings some pieces of silver to the dad 1 because the was virgin,2 because she lived with her dad .

What is the definition of fornication in the bible ? So far we see there is a big difference between adultery and sex outside mariage . Adultery only refers to sex outaide your mariage . Look at even the Webster dictionary that came 200 years after the King James version and words already changed mneaning then . Adultery is always refering of sex outaide your mariage Adultery never efers to sex for singles .

What does fornication mean in the bible ? Does fornication mean sex for singles ? No Fornication is all sexual sins found in leveticus 18 It never refers of sex outside mariage Did God forget ? No God cannot forget . Le 15 18 When a woman has sex with a men they shall wash themselves .
Does fornication mean sex outside mariage in the bible ? Sex outaide mariage is not afdultery and it is not fornication . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support thank you

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