Who is the beast according to the bible ?

4 months ago

All the world wondered after the beast
Who is the beast according to the bible ?

All the world wondered after the beast Reformers like Martin Luther and others said that the beast is the papacy or the catholic church The catholic church is found in the book of Daniel and revelation It is not saying catholic people are bad people But the bible identifies a system which is founded by Satan

Who is the beast according to the bible ? Cacholicism is paganism baptised christian It is like the church if Satan saying we will use all the forms of worship of Satan and change the names to the worship of God We cannot do such a thing , this is abonmination and very offensive to God .

All the world wondered after the beast Like the prophet Ellen White says God does nothing in partnership with Satan If something is used in the worship of Satan God will never use it in his worship Sunday wprship, nuns, indulgences, the clothing of th priest come from babylon , most of the cahtolic beliefs have pagan origin like sunday sacredness and eternal hell Who is the beast according to the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support

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