Is it a sin for christian to have long hair according to the bible ?

2 months ago

Is it a sin for christian to have long hair according to the bible ?
Does the bible forbid people to have ling hair ?

Is it a sin for christian to have long hair according to the bible ? There is only one verse that talks about long hair and it is not well translated . Just one argument if Jesus Paul Samson Saul had long hair then it canot be a sin or shame . The bible says that it is a shame to have ornaments in the hair . If you look at the translation there are 2 words for hair in the test One word means hair when it refers to women When it refers to men the word hair really means ornaments in the hair .

Does the bible forbid people to have ling hair ? My experience when i had long hair in the church is bad as i saw that many christiand ar elegalists aond condemn others Just by the look . But the bible is tue and Jesus is true This is what matters we do not care what christians do as the truth remains in the bible and God is not responsible for what christians do .

Is it a sin for christian to have long hair according to the bible ? In churches i found that some brothers would think that because you have long hair it means that you are a weak christians Well were Paul and Samson weak men of God? Was Jesus a weak men of God ? No

It is just people judge by apparence and not by the truth Does the bible forbid people to have ling hair ? Also i see that many christians judge by what society is doing in the moment This also is not biblical The bible is not about what society does in a certain moment of time . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support our ministry

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