The end of the world bible vision

4 months ago

Amazing bible prophecy vision about the end of the world
The end of the world bible prophecy vision
Bible prophet teaches end times bible prophecy vision

Amazing bible prophecy vision about the end of the world The end of the world is near People are getting more and more away from God The Holy Spirit is retiring Himself from the earth . Terrible scenes will soon take place the prophet tells us . Jesus will return at a moment we do not think he will return

The end of the world bible prophecy vision Jesus will return when we think he will not return At the moment we think the least about Jesus return He will appear in the sky So Jesus warns us to be always ready As if you are not ready when Jesus returns then he will not take you to heaven

Bible prophet teaches end times bible prophecy vision What is sin ? Transgression of the law If there was no law there would be no sin Pride arrogance, here is the most vile sin in the eyes of God And brothers what really matters is what God thinks . The phrase IN THE EYES OF GOD is very important . Amazing bible prophecy vision about the end of the world As the one who will judge sinners is God

The end of the world bible prophecy vision Pride is one thinking he is better than God It is a terrible mind deception for one to think he is better than God . Why so ? When someone twists the bible , when someone changed bible verses like the pope, when someone does not take the whole bible to find out what God is saying , but who turns the bible into what he wants to see This is very offensive to God .

Bible prophet teaches end times bible prophecy vision How can someone be so deceived as to not find what God is saying but this person wanting to put their own undestanding on what God said ? Do they not understand God is real ? Do they really believe in God to do such a thing ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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