Keepers of the flame documentary Church history

2 months ago

Keepers of the flame documentary Church history
Documentary on the history of the christian church from apostles to today

History of the christian church documistory of the christian church documentary Keepers of the flameentary Keepers of the flame This is one of the most fantastic documentary on the histoy of the christian church . How did the christian church start ? Who were the cathoics ?Was the catholic church the only church of the time ? Why did the protestant reformation come about ? Who was right in this conflict ?

Documentary on the history of the christian church from apostles to today Is the catholic church based on the bible or human tradition? The bible says that Gods words are not from men and spiritual things are spiritually discerned . We cannot judge the bible by human opinions , or human reasoning ? But this is what people do today and have been doing since the dawn of time . Human beings wants to put what they want in the bible , they want to find what they want in the bible and not what God is really saying .

History of the christian church documentary Keepers of the flame The end is near and now is the time to turn from evil and sin As when we believe something false we are a liar Nobody pushed us to believe a lie, nobody forced us to believe a false doctrine . Documentary on the history of the christian church from apostles to today If somebody believes and says all aaples are green Would you call him a liar ? Yes same with the bible We need to take time to search for the truth . Earth last day bible channel like, suscribe and support

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