Kamala, please don't let those Haitians eat our cats!

5 months ago

There are many, and still developing, debates, commentary, reports and reports demonstrating the false hood of other reports ALL associated with the original reports, and citizen tweets and texts, citizen photos showing the crisis in Springfield, Ohio with Haitian illegals in this small city eating the dogs, eating the cats. Elected officials are denying any of this is happening. But the Ohio Governor has ordered National Guard Troops into the area to assist local law enforcement. Assist law enforcement with what?? If all the reports and videos about eating the dogs, eating the cats are untrue then who really needs assistance, and for what?

David Scott "The Kiffness" puts out this message, and it has touched many across America.

So...you decide. Do we need to begin having a curfew and locking up our pets?

How about monitoring them?

Is there real concern about sufficient food for Haitians?

Are they really eating our dogs, really eating our cats?

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