Singapore's high technology & unmanned immigration system

4 hours ago

I am posting this video because I was just in Singapore this week for 2 days and the technology gave me the CREEPS like some sort of Orwellian technological control system over society! Like a WEF 15-minute city!

Singapore is a small Island country/City located at the southern tip of Malaysia. It is like a big high tech city on a small island. Singapore use to be a 3rd world country back in the 1970's & 80's and is now a high tech 1st world country. The Global elites experimenting with their future technological control grids.

Anyhow, I fly into Singapore at around 10:30PM and go directly to the Singapore Immigration as I only had 1 carry on luggage and when I get there there is NO IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS like most other countries have but just glass doors like you see in this video.

I put my Canadian Passport into the passport SCANNER and it tells me I have to fill out a "Singapore Visitor Card" so I go to the computer terminals on the side and fill out 4 pages of information about myself & then SUBMIT IT online.

Then I go up to the 1st glass door again and I open up my Canadian passport to the BIO PAGE and it scans it for 10 seconds and then a green light comes on and the 1st glass door opens so I take 5 steps forward to the next glass door where the computer tells me to stand on the marked FEET on the floor and a CAMERA takes my facial picture and then it informs me to place my left THUMB down on the plate where it takes my BIOMETRICS and then the 2nd glass door opens and I walk through it and I am legally in Singapore without ever talking to a single Singapore official since getting off the plane.

I take the MRT Singapore Subway to the location of my hotel in Singapore and CCTV cameras are everywhere. When I hear the computerized voice tell me what stop I am coming to it then says "Oh HAPPY HAPPY". WTF?

Singapore has the CLEANIST STREETS I have ever seen! Not one piece of litter anywhere. Singapore is a country/City of RULES and FINES$$ so they TRAIN YOU to OBEY through your WALLET$$$.

The next day when I have WIFI internet I check my emails and see that Singapore Immigration had automatically sent my Singapore Visitor Card to me through the email. I see some Electric Vehicles attached to permanent big electricity chargers at the side of the road in front of my hotel.

Next day I just want a regular coffee so go to McDonalds and see a long line up waiting to enter their ORDERS through a computerized machine (Which we now have in the West but there are cashiers if you don't want to use them). In Singapore you use the machines or don't get your order processed as I saw no cashiers in the McDonalds so I left as I don't support that and making us all dependent on technology & losing jobs and go into the mall to find a restaurant and just see other LINES OF PEOPLE waiting to enter their ORDERS through other computerized machines and no cashiers so I leave and find a coffee shop where I had to pay $5USD for a large Americano coffee and once I order she gives me this round device and tells me it will VIBRATE/BUZZ when my coffee is ready.

I notice that 15-20% of the Singapore population are wearing COVID MASKS like complete SHEEP! Masks don't work and you breathe back in all your exhaled CARBON DIOXIDE and you only get 17% oxygen from the tests I saw and you need a bare minimum of 19.5% Oxygen (I worked as an electrician in the Alberta oilfields and you are trained to test the OXYGEN LEVELS in confined space locations and anything under 19.5% oxygen is a NO GO!).

I also notice that everyone is GLUED to their CELL PHONE DEVICES even as they walk down the street. These people don't even realized they are SLAVES in a technologically controlled city and trained like slaves how to OBEY.

I think a lot of people in Singapore are just transients like myself as I got lost on the last night there and I asked 5 separate people where NEW BRIDGE ROAD was and all 5 including a white guy all said they don't live in Singapore but just visiting. Very humid too as I was losing a lot of water through my pores as it gushed out of me while I walked around or sat down.

After this experience in a technologically controlled city I was looking forward to getting out of this prison and want to live a more off the grid lifestyle or even living off the land like some YT channels are showing just to retain my FREEDOM!
"You can take my iPhone.... but you can't take away my FREEDOM" William Wallace quote :)

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