God is Worth Pleasing – Deut. Chpt. 10

5 months ago

As a husband who knows I am to lay down my life for my wife, I can approach how I treat her from one of two angles. I could do what I do to keep her off my back OR I could do what I do in order to please her. I've tried both and I prefer the second option. Seeking to please my wife is so much better than merely keeping her off my back.

Serving God is very similar. We can toe the line and obey for obedience's sake. We can even obey out of fear. But while obedience is still preferred over disobedience, the best option is to love and serve the LORD because it pleases him. Rev. 4:11 tells us that pleasing God is our primary purpose for existing. So why not throw ourselves into it? God is worth pleasing. And because he is gracious, he responds by making the practice of pleasing him worth our while. Now, let's take a look at how Moses presents this truth to 2nd Generation Israel.

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