Tot Boy Masters His Dirt Bike Ramp Jumps

6 years ago

Taking care of tot kids is not exactly the easiest job on earth! Most of them are so full of energy and always in the mood for playing! You should think carefully and be creative when you organize their spare time so that they can spend all that amazing energy. A dad in this video has a brilliant idea that you really have to check it out! Plus, it’s so amazingly cute and funny! This video shows a dad and his tot son having lots of outdoor fun! This smart and creative dad has built a couple of ramps for his tot son, got him a mini dirt bike and a helmet and now the two of them are mastering this little boy’s dirt bike ramp jumps! OMG, just look how cute this little boy is! His love of jumping is stronger than the fear of falling, and even when he ends up face down in the grass, he yells that he’s fine! LOL!

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