What happened before can happen again

1 month ago

Neil Oliver: "They'll insist there's no similarity between what happened in the second half of the 20th century in the countries under Stalin's thrall and 21st century centralizing policies of progressives and so-called liberals. I see what happened before can happen again, the worst of times included and if we don't waken up to the threat now, that it surely will. There's talk again of collectivizing farming, plans afoot so seize farmland, forcing the farmers away so taking control of food. I say the threat no longer comes from the East but it's homegrown, living right here in the form of those who treat the citizenry with out and out contempt, who work day and night to seize every last drop of control over our lives, who would silence and even jail those with opinions that run against the mainstream, who would tighten the stranglehold on freedom of speech, who would leave the people, their own people cold in their homes while funneling billions of Pounds into profitable wars and proxy wars abroad, wealth shamelessly laundered back into the pockets of the rich, who advocates for centralized digital currency giving the state moment by moment control over what you can do, where you can go, what food you can buy. I said the centralizing collectivist totalitarians of the Soviet saw to the dismantling and dissolving of national identities. I say it's the goal of all totalitarian regimes. We're invited to believe all that is behind us now, invited even to forget it ever happened. And yet the ideology walks among us to this day in different clothes with different acronyms. An ideology that is always anti-human, anti-family, anti the individual, anti-human..."

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