Deception and Conspiracies - Kingdom Finance War Room- 13 Sept 2024

5 months ago

Deception and Conspiracies - in this Kingdom Finance War Room seminar, William Abraham of The 7000 ( looks at deception and lies and the impact in the Kingdom. We are to build upon a solid foundation of Kingdom Truth, not deception and lies. The father of lies, satan, is the author of all falsehoods, scams, and deception. We are not to align with him and, if we do, there are dire consequences including blindness and the curse in operation. Remember a false altar is followed by the loss of your gold!
In this session, William touches on KingdomTruth and some of the things going through the church in relation to 9 - 11 and flat earth. If we are partnering with Jesus to destroy the works of satan, then we should only be doing what He calls us to do, not engaging with odd theories and conspiracies. Like faecal contamination in food, it does not take too much deception to taint everything a person is saying.
Let us stick to the work that God has for us to walk in and not be seduced by the lullaby of Delilah promising tantalising secret knowledge.
Of course, we must raise a righteous standard as God directs but much of what is seen is at best mixed waters and at worst demonic deception and distractions.

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