Lets build better bombs

3 months ago

all over the world there are extreme droughts that is affecting millions of animals. Some nations are helping by trucking in water, or digging wells, while other nations are not caring or thinking, instead their plan is to simply shoot/murder animals, like the near extinct Elephant. Animals are people too, with inalienable rights to space food and water, take just one of those away from anyone, they can not survive.

Capitalism has robbed the world and its inhabitants of these basic rights, contaminating and destroying the fabric of life... its not climate change.. its climate destruction.

The sad thing is that its been done intentionally, "they" knew exactly what they were doing when they killed EV's back in 1920's, and destroyed Nicola Tesla and others who had the technology to power the world cleanly, without digging up toxic acidic fossil fuels and injecting them into the fragile natural world.


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