
5 months ago

we all know there is a dark evil force manipulating society from behind the scenes..this sick f-ed up society economy and environment is no accident.

"If I were the devil, I'd being doing just what they are doing" <squeezing the life out of otherwise upstanding hard working people trying to survive and cope with super inflation.

"they" are arbitrarily lowering speed limits from 50km hr to 30km hr in Canada in many cities, slowly rolling it out here and there.

I wrote the minister of transportation to give him a peace of my mind; I don't need a law or a sign to tell me to slow down to 30km, or even as low as 10km hr WHEN there are people or animals on or near the road. 30km hr is painfully slow; all it does is create a Police State in which everyone is now a criminal, increased fines, points, insurance costs, seizing licenses, all of which can have devastating affects on the average person.

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