Chairman of the House Select Committee on the CC, John Moolenaar: This ChinaWeek, we will draw a

3 months ago

09/10/2024 中共問題特設委員會主席約翰·穆勒納爾:在中共週,我們通過了二十多項關於美中競爭的法案,與中共劃清界限。這些法案不僅將保護美國的供應鏈和技術,還將捍衛美國的價值觀。美國國會將以一致的聲音告訴習近平,到此為止,不可再進一步!

09/10/2024 Chairman of the House Select Committee on the CC, John Moolenaar: This ChinaWeek, we will draw a line in the sand with CCP by passing two dozens of bills in the US-China Competition. These legislations will not only secure our supply chains, but protect American technology, and also defend American values. With one voice, the U.S. Congress will tell Xi Jinping, this far, and no further.

#ChinaWeek #中國週 #捍衛美國價值觀
#TakeDownTheCCP #對抗中共 #中共

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