Wes Mcclain for ANCO, KS Sheriff-Interview 09-12-24

5 months ago

Wes Mcclain is currently running for Sheriff in Anderson County, KS in the upcoming election on Tuesday November 5th, 2024, 7:00am-7:00pm. Rob Smith is also running as a "write-in" candidate for sheriff but cancelled the interview and refused to sign the Constitutional Sheriff's Stance drafted by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association in 2021. Wes Mcclain stated that he agrees with this document and stated that he will sign it but we've not yet received it upon the publishing of this interview. The questions presented are a compilation of questions from many sources dealing specifically to the proper role of a "constitutional" sheriff. The host of Verity Seeker, Mark Powls, opens immediately with a statement to clarify the fair, and equal, treatment of both candidates and their response to an invitation to interview and sign the CSPOA Stance in full disclosure. The office of sheriff is a uniquely independent of any government, or its agents and is duty bound to protecting your God-Given rights listed in your State's Bill of Rights and echoed in the U.S. Bill of Rights. This podcast interview is designed to create a clear understanding of the office of a "Constitutional" Sheriff and the responsibility of the voters to elect and retain a constitutional sheriff to protect your rights.


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