First Time Listening to Sleep Token | 'The Summoning' Reaction | Day 218 of Sobriety #sobermovement

5 months ago

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On Day 218 of my sobriety journey, I’m reacting to 'The Summoning' by Sleep Token for the very first time. This song was recommended by one of my supporters who recently celebrated three years of sobriety—so this one’s for her! Before diving into the music, I share a bit about how life is going, my reflections, and how creating something new—like my clothing line for the channel—has brought me a lot of joy and balance. It feels great to have a new purpose alongside sobriety, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes me.

As for the track itself, I was blown away! Although I hadn’t heard of Sleep Token before, I found their music really powerful. For some reason, I was reminded of Rage Against the Machine at times. This was definitely a unique and captivating experience. I’m excited to hear more from Sleep Token in the future.

Thank you all for the support—don’t forget to recommend more music, subscribe, and join me on this journey!

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