Ep4: Human Survival with our Creator, Physical Existence, Seryla Philosophy

5 months ago

Human Survival with our Creator, Physical Existence

1. Our survival is connected to our physical world. Deist Susannah Newcome wrote, “And as there are no innate Ideas of a God, so likewise we can have no Proof of such a Being a priori: and if there is really such a Being, we can only come to a Knowledge of his Existence, from a Consideration of Existence of Things.” We can come to know our creator and creation from our consideration of physical existence. Physical existence is the source to our knowledge of our creator, as physical existence is our creator. Truth and reality does not come to us from within our minds. The reality of our existence comes to us by our senses and in our maintenance of this reality. We must maintain this relationship to our ideas. Nevertheless, we currently ignore our physical existence when we move the idea of reality around in our minds to our ideas of morality and justice. For us to have accountability of thought, we must stay connected to our physical existence and our reality. It is then that we can progress. Volney wrote, “Let man study these laws, let him understand his own nature, and the nature of the beings that surround him, and he will know the springs of his destiny, the causes of his evils, and the remedies to be applied.”
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