WEF ADMITS: FROM COVID TO 15 MINUTE CITIES! - It's Already Begun! - The Agenda For The Great Reset!

1 month ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the openly admitted to agenda to force everyone into prison neighborhoods in what The World Economic Forum calls "15 Minute Cities."
The WEF has openly admitted previously in their own documents that "Covid" was just a test to see how compliant the public would become if faced with emergency orders. Clearly the test was a success as the paper says the goal was to see if people would then accept a global government confining us to 15 Minute Cities.
Currently, 15 Minute Cities (or 15 Minute Neighborhoods) are being constructed worldwide based on the Chinese model of "Zero Covid Policies" where people were confined to small areas with facial recognition and digital IDs.
As globalists force us into a very scripted World War 3 simultaneously with civil war and the destruction of the food supply, energy supply and the devaluing of the currency, they're bringing in tyrannical solutions that people will be forced to comply with if they do not prepare now.
A shift is being made from the west to the east.
With the collapse of western civilization and the dollar, we'll be corralled into the new eastern block's economy. BRICS. This was planned long ago. China was propped up in the first place by the west in order to be an eventual replacement for the global power structure. This does not mean China will be "in charge." It means that the way technocratic Marxism has been tested and utilized in China will be the blueprint for the world.
Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) linked to digital IDs that contain social credit and carbon credit scores which will determine what you're allowed to eat, where you're allowed to go, how much energy you're allowed to use, etc. All based on your behavior and compliance.
They will force poisonous food rations on you and you will eat it out of desperation as you won't be prepared.
All of this inside your prison neighborhood.

Sound insane? It is, but it is absolutely admitted to by the very people who brought in lockdowns, vaccines, war and control of the media. The same people injecting the animals while culling them under the guise of "bird flu." The same people fear mongering the vaccine injury that they call "Monkeypox."

Are you ready? The solutions are out there. First you need to know what the war is against. Humanity. Therefor you must understand what humanity is. Consciousness, individual responsibility, freedom. Then you must act on those things. Reject the system built around you. The solutions are in your hands.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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Mirrored from / Original Video Source: World Alternative Media - https://www.bitchute.com/video/NXQZpc58raIz

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