I'm Not Lost, You're Lost! | North Carolina Backroads | Tales of the Dragon Ep. 11

5 months ago

With me being out for the riding season indefinitely, the guys go on their own adventure and get lost! Unfortunately, the batteries died while they were trying to get to Cherohala Skyway.

Cherohala Skyway 🔗 https://cherohala.com/
Deals Gap 🔗 https://www.dealsgap.com/
Iron Works Grille 🔗 https://ironworkstp.com/

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0:00 Cold Open
0:38 Intro
0:50 Previous Episode Recap
1:50 Fontana Pit Stop
2:26 And They're Off
3:19 Cheoah Lake
3:57 Passing By Deals Gap
4:20 Thoroughly Lost
17:22 Jason Explains What Happened
18:19 Outro

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