How To Have A Godly Marriage - 09/08/2024 | The How To...Series | (Sermon Only)

5 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

How To Have A Godly Marriage - (Matthew 19.4-6)

I - What Is God's Purpose In Marriage? - (Matthew 19.4-6) (Malachi 2.14) (Ephesians 5.25-33) (Ephesians 5.1-2)

God's intention for marriage is not to make us happy, but rather to make us holy

This means that as marriage we:

1. Look For Ways To Love One Another - (1 Johm 4.12)
2. Encourage Our Spouse - (Hebrews 3.13)
3. Serve Each Other Humbly - (Galatians 5.13)
4. Honor Each Other - (Romans 12.10)
5. Forgive Each Other - (Ephesians 4.23)

II - How Do We Establish A Godly Marriage?

1. Love Each Other - (1 Corinthians 13.4-8)
2. Pray Together - (Colossians 4.2) (Ecclesiastes 4.9-12)
3. Read The Word Together - (2 Timothy 3.16-17)
4. Live As One Flesh - (Genesis 2.24)

(What Living As One Flesh Really Means In A Godly Marriage):
- Important decisions are made together
- Ministry is done together
- Worshiping is done together
- Life is done together
- It's not only about sex

5. Open Communication!!!!! - (James 1.19)
6. Nurture Romance - (Proverbs 5.16-19)

Communicate fearlessly but gently; listen thoughtfully without defensiveness

(Jeremiah 32.17)
(Matthew 19.26)

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