WE'RE IN THE PAST!? (D&D: Mid Character Grind)

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We encountered the Aqualonia Army and they wanted to enslave us. We snuck passed them and got to a tower. We slept outside the tower and good thing because it turns out it was a mimic. The mimic told us that Cara is not human and she is "Not done cooking". We make it to the tower of the Queen and inside there was a feast. We did not all go inside but when we did the doors shut and it told us to enjoy the rest for now. We made it to the first room and it was an electric field and levers. We had to find the secret one and pull all 5 at once. The next level is a room full of colors. This is in Hyboria and it is referred to a Northern Swamp in Aqualonia that is Green. We touched one and they all blinked and a gong sounded. Ape Man sounded. Mantis touched another rod and triggered another apeman attack. We figured out to touch the lights in order the lotus blossom evolves. The next hatch opens.

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