sui generis living breathing sovereign humans = consciousness 46

9 hours ago

you human slaves don't even know how did your great grand parents looked like who only lived few decades ago while you human slaves claim to know how did your god's relatives = jesus mohammad moses krishna buddha looked like who you don't even know existed ?

if you human slaves believe that you are free then get on aeroplanes and fly to where ever you want outside the designated flight paths without being in regular contact with the ruling satans' air controls then see how far you can venture before getting shot down

if you human slaves believe that you are free then get on ships and sail to where ever you want outside the designated sea routes without being in regular contact with the ruling satans' sea controls then see how far you can venture before getting sunk

most human slaves infesting this satans' prison world are not consciousness they have long surrendered being consciousness thus they have been converted to the ruling satans' clones no wonder why more & more human slaves are becoming more ignorant more immoral more evil

the ruling satans surround real humans with their clones much higher in numbers to channel real humans in the directions that the ruling satans want how many real humans wear facial sanitary pads = masks not because it is right but because others around them do so ?

the ruling satans surround real humans with their clones much higher in numbers to channel real humans in the directions that the ruling satans want how many real humans inject themselves with satans' dna = wank-sins not because it is right but because others around them do so ?

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