2024-09-11 GESARA Talk Show 250 - Wednesday

12 days ago

September 11, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 250 - Wednesday
Duration: 5:30:30 - Captions in English and German

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Barbara (Florida, USA)

Special Guests: Princess Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz, Alfredo, Lord Bryan

0:00:00 Introduction , 9/11 and 250th anniversary show
0:04:28 RV Intel
0:06:37 Trump Debate review
0:19:02 Special (h)earings on Kickstarter
0:21:55 Military in EU, RV News
0:23:42 How RV Notifications will be made.
0:26:00 Intro to the GESARA Show. Viewer participation.
0:27:42 More on debate, BRICS, Trigger of events…
0:31:50 Dell's Meditation Session
0:45:05 What we think will happen with the RV
0:52:31 GESARA News, September 11, 2024
1:16:23 Q&A Section
2:10:04 Q&A Section with Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz
3:22:05 Bryan joins the discussion, Crop circles
4:18:14 Gay Man from NY on Trump and Dems.
4:23:21 Jack: 5 Families in control on NY City
4:26:11 Who will tell Elizabeth to release the RV? Bloodlines
4:44:42 Update on the Med-Beds
4:49:03 Discernment
5:20:04 Joseph: Med bed issue, Does jubilee start after inauguration?
5:24:26 Bryan: The Book of Q, Queen of the South will rise up…
5:27:23 Wrapping up
5:30:30 End.

Meeting summary for 2024-09-11 GESARA Talk Show 250 - Wednesday

Quick recap
The online show discussed commemorating 9/11, and analyzed political debates. Participants explored spiritual warfare, revaluation events, and global conflicts while emphasizing preparation and discernment. The group also discussed personal connections, historical insights, and the importance of maintaining a neutral state while seeking truth.

Next steps
• Peter to send notifications to viewers when RV/redemption process begins.
• Barbara to compile a list of members needing urgent medical assistance for priority med bed treatment.
• Elizabeth to notify Peter and Barbara when she receives the "green light" to trigger RV process.
• Peter to extract email addresses from forum and set up separate email system for RV notifications.
• Viewers to prepare documents and plans for RV/redemption process.
• Viewers to research and plan humanitarian projects.
• Brian and Alfredo to research further on topics discussed (e.g. Book of Q, Biblical connections).


9/11 Anniversary, Debate Analysis, and Meditation
Peter welcomed everyone to the 250th anniversary of the GESARA show, commemorating 9/11. He mentioned re-releasing a previous episode debating the events of 9/11 and inviting Wolverine as a guest. Peter discussed Princess Elizabeth's arrival and suggested a meditation session. They discussed their roles in an upcoming event and shared experiences watching a Trump debate, noting the moderators' behavior and the treatment of the female co-host. Peter and Barbara analyzed a recent debate, with Barbara criticizing Kamala Harris's scripted responses and commenting on her complexion. They discussed the ideal way to watch the debate based on a video clip.

Debate, Strategy, and Interactive Features
Peter and Barbara discussed the outcome of the ABC News Presidential debate, with Peter suggesting Trump as the winner. They debated Barbara potentially debating Trump. Peter identified her earrings as 'H1 audio earrings' and mentioned a Newsmax poll favoring Trump. Doug raised a question that Barbara reminded Peter about. Peter discussed power outages as part of a strategy to control populations. He mentioned the Netherlands using military planes for deportations. Peter highlighted their show's interactive features. He believed Trump would do better than Harris and questioned why Camilla hadn't acted. They discussed a potential system switch, martial law, and violent protesters being released on bail. Peter mentioned the BRICS payment system's expansion and a possible currency revaluation in Iraq after troop withdrawal. Dell led a meditation session on releasing unwanted energy and gathering one's own energy through visualization.

Deep State, Spiritual War, and Revaluation Strategy
Peter discussed the ongoing spiritual war against the deep state, questioning the strategy of releasing false Revaluation dates. He speculated on a significant event happening in September or February, mentioning Iraq's Supreme Court rejecting an appeal and the Central Bank preparing a new currency decision. Peter also talked about the 9/11 attacks, the 2020 election, and arrests of officials, as well as the potential existence of a deep state facility in Alaska. He mentioned the arrests of CEOs of independent platforms and the use of the Emergency Alert System in a global operation against the deep state.

RV Announcement, Executive Orders, and Global Issues
Peter and Barbara discussed the potential RV announcement and the work of Derek Johnson documenting executive orders. Jermaine attempted to ask a question during the Q&A segment, but there was a technical issue with her microphone. They talked about personal preparations and property acquisition for future projects. The conversation shifted to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with differing views on Netanyahu's role and Hamas' origins. They discussed the challenges of addressing controversial topics like the war in Ukraine and bioweapons. Stella shared news about the Conservative party in New South Wales being dissolved due to fraud. The group debated the outcome of a recent political debate. Barbara suggested the Brunson case could provide legal basis for reinstating Trump without an election by overturning improper procedures. Peter anticipated significant news emerging soon that would affect everyone simultaneously.

Preparing for Revaluation and Med Beds
Peter, Barbara, and the team discussed the importance of maintaining a neutral state and preparing for the significant upcoming revaluation event. They highlighted the need for individuals to have a plan in place, gather necessary documents, and focus on their own lives rather than being consumed by daily news. The potential use of Med beds for advanced treatments was also discussed. The team emphasized the importance of sharing information through official channels and being cautious of potential scams targeting individuals when the QFS system becomes public. Elizabeth expressed anticipation for the event, which is expected to occur between September and February 2024, and reassured the team about the availability of funding through the Rodriguez Trust. The team also discussed the challenges faced by those without official records and the need to educate and support members throughout the process.

Conflict, Roles, and QFS Funds Discussion
The group discussed the ongoing conflict, comparing it to a movie with multiple directors and actors, and speculated about the roles of the White Hats and the Deep State. They also discussed recent events involving Kamala and the possibility of a war. The group expressed hope for a resolution and the end of the conflict. They also discussed the status of funds in their QFS accounts, with Elizabeth confirming that the funds were waiting for a trigger to be released after the inauguration and facilitation of all account holders. The group also discussed various personal topics, initiatives, and global issues, including a book with a double trilateral symbol and a French text, which Excalibers Echo suggested might be related to the Freemasons.

Discussing Fallen Ones' System, Trump, and QFS
alfredo and Bryan discussed the fallen ones' flawed system intended for humanity, mentioning the Octorans and Pleiaans. Bryan believed Trump could root out the deep state. The group expressed frustration with rising costs and inability to afford necessities in the current unjust system. They anticipated revelations after the election facilitating funds for societal transformation. The team explored the QFS concept, emphasizing truth and dismantling suppressive systems. They discussed breaking free from outdated thinking and Trump's potential role in change. The conversation also focused on the need to break banks to help those affected by the economic downturn.

Exploring Power Structures and Global Healing
Dell discussed Trump's behavior during diplomatic visits and shared a video clip contradicting the belief that Trump was racist. The team discussed a long movie plan and the 70 Star Hotel in Dubai. Elizabeth raised questions about the invasion of the Israeli flag in a mysterious diagram, which alfredo and Brian were asked to explain. alfredo talked about the restoration of the kingdom, the 12 tribes, and the disruption caused by the dark side. The conversation shifted to the Space Force and the belief that they are in the age of Aquarius, an age of freedom and knowledge. The team discussed the concept of power structures, differentiating between "bad shepherds" who control people and "good shepherds" who serve them. They also talked about a global family healing, particularly in relation to the 9/11 event, and the importance of being open-minded and accepting challenging truths.

Exploring Trump's Character and Historical Connections
Jack shared a story highlighting Trump's past as a prosecutor. Elizabeth revealed her claimed familial connection to Trump and discussed her role in serving humanity. The group explored potential connections to the Scottish Isle of Lewis and the Celtic settlement. They discussed the destruction of ancient libraries, the Vatican's possession of original texts, and the significance of dates like the Jubilee's end in February 2024 and 9/11.

Exploring Trust, Discernment, and Spiritual Growth
The meeting revolved around the concept of trust, discernment, and the importance of seeking truth. The participants discussed the idea of transitioning from a dual reality system to a new age of wisdom and knowledge sharing, with a focus on trusting one's own discernment and not relying solely on others. They also explored the idea of a "language of light" and its potential for healing and manifestation, as well as the concept of maintaining a high vibrational frequency for personal growth and spiritual development. The discussion also touched on the idea of ascension, the potential for self-realization, and the importance of learning sacred sciences in the right way. The conversation ended with the participants expressing their excitement about the new future and the elevation of consciousness, and discussing the potential for mass awakening and the importance of collective consciousness.

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