Atomic Biscuits - 20240901 - Popcorn

5 months ago

This week the world controllers turned up the heat to watch the plebians crack and smack together like so much popcorn shaking in an oiled pan over a hot fire. I'm sure their long teeth are bared in a Joker grin as the noise increases, and their delight grows at the tastiness they long for, salted, buttered while they relax in deep leather chairs and the movie themes play on.
Another _scary_ biohorror...sloth fever his creeping around, threatening our remember boys and girls, bolt the door by sundown and don't come out until the dew is gone...for your safety.
Lawfare, a now-basic category of politics, continues to be waged in courts of juris prudence and in the courts of public opinion. If you listen carefully to voters who are paying attention, you'll hear them speak in terms of retribution, not justice. In many minds the most noble are burned at the stake still and justify war and ten-fold destruction. With that mindset, we can never get the forever wars to stop...or have peace at home or abroad. So think about where that comes from, who benefits, and why.
People have really short memories, apparently shorter than 4 years...because it seems tougher than it ought to be to ask people (and get a geniune response) if they were better before O'Biden. That makes it possible for entire platforms to flip-flop positions and assert, in your face, with plenty of footage still available, the exact opposite of what they asserted before... because that's what politicians do, they say what the voter wants to hear so they can get into power; they don't say what they believe, or state what they will do. From the border wall to tarriffs the Harris-Biden regime claws Trump ideas as their own, and somehow the mindless seals who'll vote for them no matter work, clap and cheer like an AI-built bot farm; ready to rule the "democracy."
The state of Texas found a million people to remove from their voter roles...30% of non-citizens previously cast ballots. Imagine. Strangers who walk right into your kitchen to add things to your shopping list, sit down on your couch, and call their friends in...and there is no officer to call who will remove them, but who may deem your hurty words racist and throw you in a dungeon instead.

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