Prophet Julie Green - A Great Eruption Is Taking Place in Your Capitol, O United States - Captions

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In this prophetic message through Prophet Julie Green, God warns of a great eruption of truth and proof in the United States, leading to the downfall of the establishment and the freeing of His people. He reassures that despite the unconventional and unprecedented events that will unfold, His protection and provision will be with His people. God urges His children to not be moved by what they see, but to walk by faith and hold the line of victory, as the enemies' power and control are based on lies and illusions and are about to expire. He encourages them to stand firm, decree a thing, and not give up, as a great surrender and retreat of the enemies is imminent.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-01-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Today’s Scriptures:
Heb. 10:23
Col. 2:15
Isa. 54:17
Mic. 7:8
Luke 10:19
2 Cor. 2:14
2 Cor. 5:7
Job 22:28
Judg. 6:28-35
Judg. 7:2, 4-5, 7, 9
2 Chron. 20:22, 24
Ps. 9:1-9
Ps. 100:4
Acts 3:19
Isa. 49:26
1 Sam. 14:6, 10
Ps. 56:9
Deut. 28:7
Prov. 6:31
John 17:13, 16
Matt. 12:34
John 16:33
Neh. 8:10

Put on the Armor of God every single day and plead the Blood of Jesus.

You have a greater covenant with Jesus Christ.

God is everything you need in every situation.

No one is perfect-only Jesus. But start seeing yourself the way God sees you and not the way the world sees you.

Unconventional and unprecedented things are taking place.

Do not fear anything that is taking place. Look to God and trust Him.

God wants you to focus solely on Him. Not your enemies and what they are doing.

God is telling you not to be moved by what you see. Walk by faith, not by sight.

Position yourself with the Word of God and the Armor.

Marching order: Shout louder and stand for truth and freedom.

God will destroy your enemies and He will be given all the glory.

God's people cannot be complacent. You need to start moving forward to your victory.


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org




Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, August 1st of 2024. Yes, I am live right now from still I am in Texas. I'll be leaving this great state tomorrow. So you are seeing me live right now, but tomorrow we will do another live stream, but it'll be a rebroadcast of take five. If you missed it yesterday, I was on with pastor Dave.

And so I will have that live streamed for you tomorrow because I will be flying on an airplane. So I will not be able to go live with you in the morning, but I will tell you that enemy is really starting to turn up the heat on God's children. There is immense pressure. There is immense attack.

There is a lot of things that are going on and all over in the world, but all over the body of Christ, the enemy is trying everything he can to have everyone give up and quit. There are a lot of heaviness. There's a lot of stress. There's a lot of overwhelming circumstances. There's a lot of attacks and the enemy is just trying to ramp things up.

Because your enemy also knows he is about to lose in a major and massive way. So what we have to do in this period of time is we have to hold that line that God has been telling us about and never surrender. That is something that should be posted everywhere on our walls, everywhere in our cars, or where, no matter where we are, we should have that saying, *never surrender*.

Because that is what the enemies are going to want you to do. They're going to start putting more things in your life that they're going to try to get you to quit and weaken you. But this is the time where God is going to strengthen you if you let him, this is the time of warning that God has warned us about for so long.

This is the time where you have to put on your armor every single day. Put on that armor. God has given it to you for a reason. You have it. Use it. Also plead the blood of Jesus. And people ask me, Julie, how do you plead the blood of Jesus? You say, in the name of Jesus, Father God, I thank you that we have the blood covenant with you.

I thank you that I have that blood covenant. The blood of Jesus Christ. That I am delivered. I am set free. I am healed. I am made whole I'm protected. So I plead the blood of Jesus and name your over your family and your, and your household and your vehicles and your finances, everything you have, you plead the blood, just as you saw in the book of Exodus, when they put the blood on the doors and the lentels, that was for specific reason.

It was for their protection. We have a greater. covenant than they did in the book of Exodus in the land of Goshen. God's people had the Abrahamic covenant. We have the blood covenant of the Lamb of Jesus Christ. And so we have that blood. We need to use that blood. And you know what? We may not able or not able to see the blood over us, over our homes, over our vehicles, when we plead the blood, but our enemy can see that blood,

and he cannot pass that bloodline as the angel of death could not pass those doors no matter how much power the angel of death had It did not have power to go through those doors that had the blood on them. So use that as an example, get your minds and focus on God and how big God truly is and what he has said and the promises that he has given In His word that He's faithful to perform His word and a covenant He will not break.

And His covenant with us is that blood covenant. That covenant where Jesus shed that blood for us. He destroyed the power of the enemy. He destroyed the curse. He said, Julie, the curse is still on this earth. I'm still being attacked. There's still things going wrong in my life. And I'll tell you, I get it.

And I understand that because a lot of us, all of us go through attacks on a daily basis. But if we have our minds focused on God and focus on that blood covenant, remember God said his word in Colossians two and 15. That the enemy has been disarmed. Well, it looks like he's armed and it looks like he has an arsenal of all these different weapons and he does, but God said his word, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

So do we believe the arsenal that the enemy has is more powerful than the blood? Is it more powerful than the power of almighty God? So it's again, it's our choices and we can make those choices. And when you're overwhelmed with circumstances, because you can be on a daily basis. You remind yourself and you plead the blood and you cover yourself with that blood and say thank you father God I draw that bloodline just as you were with goshen the angel of death could not pass by and I thank you father God, no matter what the enemy tries in his arsenal and all the weapons he has they are not big enough And they are not strong enough to be able to cross that bloodline Now remember one of the most important things is to do And this is sometimes one of the hardest things to do as children of the most high God You Is to walk in love because if we walk out of love, which is very easy to do, you're walking out of that protection.

And so anytime you notice yourself walking out of love, getting irritated, because everybody does, God is not expecting you to be perfect. And I don't want you to think that anyone is perfect because they're not. The only example of a perfect person was Jesus Christ. He didn't sin. He became sin who knew no sin.

God's not asking us to not ever make a mistake. He knows we are going to we're human and that's why one of the scriptures that I love so much It's Micah chapter 7 verse 8. Rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. And when I sit in darkness, he is the light, the Lord is the light unto me.

So if you are sitting in darkness and if you have fallen down because of failures or the past mistakes or decisions that you have been making in your life, God is saying, get up from where you are. Get up spiritually. Start putting back on your armor. Start pleading the blood of Jesus. again, start realizing that you are in the arm of the Lord.

You are a child of most high God. You are loved by God and you are not defeated. It may look like everything in your life is telling you just to give up and quit because everything is going in the wrong direction. Keep your attention and your focus on the Lord. God, because God is your guide. If you need peace, remember, he is your Prince of peace.

If you need deliverance, he's the great I Am. And if you need a God who's going to show up in the impossible situation, he is El Shaddai. He's a God whom nothing is impossible. He is everything you need in every situation, no matter how big or how small that situation are and possible, how dark that situation is.

God is still the answer. He's the Alpha. He's the Omega. He knew exactly what you were going to go through. He knew every single test and trial your enemy was going to put you in, but he sent Jesus. He sent Jesus to be our victory. He sent Jesus to be our deliverer out of the hands of the enemy. He sent Jesus to be Satan's ultimate defeat.

If you think about that, Satan's defeat was Jesus, the power of what he did for us, the power of that cross. When he went to hell in our place for those three days, and he took back the keys, hell, death, and the grave was all for us. He's a great example, and being a Christian is not just saying, I'm going to go to church on a Sunday.

Being a Christian means I follow Christ, or I'm Christ like. You want to, just like you think of a, of a, like my kids. You want They truly, my three boys, they love basketball. And so I like to watch basketball. I stopped watching sports a long time ago, but they still love basketball. And you think about this and you have all the sports people, you have people, they, they, they, they like football, a couple of them like football.

And so they have their favorite players and they want to be like them. And yeah, it's really cool to be like somebody who is perfected in a sport, but instead of looking to. Looking to a actress or an actor looking to somebody who is a CEO or as a billionaire. And you're looking to them.

Oh, I want to be them are person that we should look to the most. I want to be more like. is Jesus. He was the greatest example. God's not expecting us to be perfect like him, but we should be imitators of Christ. We should be acting like him, speaking like him. Remember, he said what God only told him to say, and he only did what God told him to do.

That's a great example. So we should only be saying what God wants us to say, and we should only be doing what God wants us to do, is because we're always in the perfect will of God. But again, we're not always going to be perfect. We're going to have setbacks. We're going to have frustrations. We're going to have times when we are getting mad at ourselves because we feel like we failed God.

I want to tell you right now, you would never have failed God. You never will because God is your father and he looks past those failures. He looks past all those situations and circumstances in your life. And he sees you how he has made you. So start seeing yourself the way God sees you and not the way the world sees you.

You have to start seeing yourself as that child of God, as a person that is victorious, as a person that God is saying that you will rise above all the tests, all the trials and all the adversity, because he says in his word, in Luke 10 and 19, that he's given you all power, authority, Dominion. So it's a good reminder every single day, because all of us can go through those frustrating times.

And I've gone through a lot recently and you can go through those setbacks and you can go through those frustrating times, but it's what you do in those times is if you're going to stay down and if you're going to sit there and you're going to feel sorry for yourself, or you're going to pick yourself up and go, I am a more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.

He always causes me to triumph even though I have fallen seven times or eight times. I'm going to keep getting back up again because I know the author and the finisher of my faith is Jesus Christ. He does not fail. God does not fail and he will not fail me. And that is the kind of attitude that we need to have in these days.

So when I get to this prophetic word the Lord has given me, I was actually going to give it out the other day, but I could not because the Lord had given me an actually another word to give out to you live on air. And the reason why you didn't see me yesterday live on air is because I was taking my children to the airport.

So I had to take them during this time. So that's the reason why you saw. Now, the reason, another reason why you saw, The testimony aired yesterday because a lot of people been asking for the testimony. I'm not going to keep repeating that testimony. So I want to put it out there so people can see what God can do because I am only a person and I have had not a great past, but God can change you into the person that he has designed you and made you to be as long as you are looking to Him.

No matter the situations, the circumstances you're going through, He can change you. So that's why the testimony is up there and the power of prayer and the power of believing in God, no matter what your situation or your mind is telling you, your life is telling you, you believe what God is telling you.

Is telling you. So that is why the testimony is up there. And so if you missed it, go and watch it because it's really important to know the power of prayer and your power of your words and how they can change your life on a daily basis and can change you from where you were to where God has you to be. Okay?

All right, now... I'm going to go over this prophetic word. Now I gave a little bit of this word. It's not a very long one. And I'm going to give you a little bit of another word that God had given me right before I got on here. It's not very long either. But this is from July 21st. This one I'm going to give you first is from July 21st and it's called A Great Eruption is Taking Place in Your Capital,

O United States. Now, what does God talk about that eruption? That's talking about eruption of truth. And I will get more into that here in a minute. But here is, this is the second prophetic word on July 21st. Okay, this is the second prophetic word. And it says, My children, your enemies are in the _hot seat_

_of defeat_. They're extremely uncomfortable, and fear has set in. This is the time that many of them will fold and some will sing like canaries.

They are so desperate to save themselves, they will turn on ones they never thought they would turn on. Publicly, with this shift of change, and the overwhelming fear of blackmail, videos, audio, and emails, along with the servers, and what is in them. will begin to pour out. You will see explosions of truth and proof on a scale never seen before.

Your enemies will try more diversions. They will try more distractions and more destruction. They will allow your enemies in other nations to strike your nation. There is about to be a signal your government will put out verbiage and specific words similar to my David's attempted assassination on his life.

Listen to your media and in Washington, they will say a key word or phrase repeatedly that will signal the terrorist cells in this nation to activate. It will set off a chain of events. I've been telling you about of chaos and destruction. They will pour out everything they can in a short period of time.

Do not fear their moves. I Am shielding you as a nation and as my people, just as I shielded my David from those bullets and from that kill shot. I will show you I Am your Provider. I Am your Comforter. Even when the world is at a standstill and when it looks bleak and dark, I Am your Light and your Life.

Your enemy's power is being taken away from them. This will affect technology in *every* way possible. This will affect your day to day life that you are used to. But remember Me because I Am setting you free from what you see. This will *not* last forever. This will not be the end to you, but the end to your enemies. So stand your ground.

Things are about to intensify and shake like never before. Normal will not be that way anymore. But that is a good thing, and you will see, because you will see Me through it all. A great eruption is taking place in your capital, O United States. An eruption of truth and proof that will send this nation into something you won't understand.

But this is a sign of the freeing of My Eagle and the destruction of the establishment. It's coming down before your eyes, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Any time God has been warning us in these last two to three years of blackouts, of things not being normal, He especially keeps using repeatedly that word, unconventional, unprecedented.

And we're starting to see more unconventional and unprecedented things take place in our nation and all around the world. When he's saying that things are not going to be normal, and technology is going to be not technology the way we're used to for a short time, you're thinking about what could be.

What are we going to do? How are we going to live? Again, he says a short time. Think about what he had to do in the land of Goshen. He had to lock them in. He had to protect them. He had to shield them from what was coming. And so even though it looks like for our destruction, just as the Lord had given out that prophetic word the other day about the food supply.

And we've already seen where has talked about many different times. about grounding of planes. And we saw what happened the other day with that with Microsoft, that was more than just what it seemed like and it looked like, and that was only a temporary thing, but that was a foreshadowing of what God is warning us about.

We are not supposed to fear *any* of these things. So Julie, what are we supposed to do in this time? We're supposed to look to God. What are we doing this time? We trust God. What do we do when things are not normal? We look to God. We don't, we don't go at our normal life and our day to day and go, okay, we're just going to do things the way we always did things.

No, we're going to do things the way God has directed us to do them. God wants us to solely focus on Him. Not our enemies and not what they are doing and not what they are saying because anything that they're saying and they are doing is not going to be able to stop God and stop God from what he is going to do.

So we have to stop thinking that it's going to stop God. We have to stop thinking that our life is going to go into this destruction and chaos. No, that is for your enemies, and that is the whole entire thing what God was showing us about the land of Goshen. I'm also gonna read to you here in a minute about Gideon.

That was another great example. It doesn't take a massive army to save a nation. It only takes a few that are obedient and that will listen and obey God and will be in that will of God that will do what God tells them to do, even though it looks like it's the most ridiculous, it's the most impossible, and it looks like it's the opposite thing to do when it's actually what God's telling you to do, to bring you into your victory.

This is what I heard just this morning is that it's very, very short, but I want to give this to you right before I go into some of these scriptures... this is very short, but it's very important. As you can see, this is the handwriting. Anyway, it says I, I got this really quick right before I got on their polls, like their, their polls to the voting, their voting polls for the election.

*Their* _polls_ are *lies*. *Their* _power_ is a *lie*. *Their* _narrative_ is a *lie*. *Their* _government_ is a *lie*. *Their* _control_ is a *lie*. My children, *all* your enemies _have_ are *lies and illusions.* Don't believe *what you see *because they *don't* have control over this nation or this world *as they seem to have*. Your enemies days in their power are about to *expire.* A great surrender will be seen. *Yes a surrender*! Your enemies are walking right toward their *defeat* and they are about to *retreat*. So stand firm and don't move from your positions of fighting and holding that line of *victory,* because *I Am showing up;*

so *don't give up*, saith the Lord. Now, why does he keep reminding us not to give up? Why does He keep reminding us that our enemies are going to try to do these, all these different things. And he's talked about our food. He's talked about our electricity. He's talked about the internet. He's talked about our life being changed.

He's talked about *unprecedented* things and *unconventional* things and things that are *abnormal* and things that just will put people in a feeling of uncomfortable an uneasy feeling, but we can't go by feelings and we have to know that God has warned us about these things and God is telling us, _*do not be moved*_* by what you see*.

this is the time as a child of the Most High God, you need to _*walk by faith*_* and not by sight*. I want that to be on, in your heart. I want that to be in front of your mind every single day. I will walk by faith and I will not walk by sight because what we're about to see in the site, what we're about to see all over the world, that will bring people into a great state of panic or fear, but that's why God's saying, look, Just like the land of Goshen...

He gave it to us as an example. He's still that God. God has warned us about war. That's why I am rebroadcasting the show with Pastor Dave yesterday because we talked about something that was just happening with Israel, how Israel just did a strike on Iran, and with killing that major leader of Iran, you know that there's going to be retaliation.

But God, our enemies are trying to start war, a world war three. That's what they want. So as you know, that's what they want. And God says, that's what they're not going to get. They're not going to get what they so desire. They're not going to get what they want. And God is telling us, How to position ourselves in this time.

He's telling us to position ourselves with the word of God, with the armor, with the sword of the spirit, which is his word, using it as a weapon. We're supposed to hold that line. We're not supposed to surrender. We're not supposed to give up. We're not supposed to quit. And so God is telling us to decree a thing and it shall be established.

Like it talks about in Job. We are to decree. We are to decree that we have the blood of Jesus Christ, that we will not be defeated, and that we will not walk by walk by sight, we will walk by faith, we will not give in, because God has already guaranteed us the win. Because God wins. And so God has already won all these things for us.

But it is our decisions in this time period, whether we trust Him, whether we believe Him, or we don't. Now I want to go over something. This was, God was showing, this is another great example in the Bible, is the Gideon. And when Gideon Was this person, he saw himself as a nobody, he saw himself as a lesser of, you know, his siblings, and he didn't think he was strong.

He didn't think it was smart. But God chose him. You think out of anybody, that's not who God would have chosen. But God chose him. If you look in the Judges chapter six, God chose Gideon to destroy the, the altar of Baal. And so God's children, the Israelites always seem to get themselves in trouble.

They always seem to start turning toward another God. They always seem to start doing things, The world wanted them to do because that's what the world did. And it looked like it was good. It looked like it, they should be doing the same thing. And so that's what they did. They started leaning toward walking and talking and acting like, all of the Gentiles, the people that were not of God.

So you gotta think God's people, the same people who were told in the book of Exodus to earnestly remember all the things that God did for them. In the book of Exodus, and how he delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians. And they were supposed to tell their children, and their children's children.

And it was supposed to go on and on for generation and generation, so they wouldn't forget what God had done for them. Well, now you see later on here in the book of Judges, They have an altar of Baal. Well, they're not earnestly remembering who God truly is because if they earnestly remembered who God truly was, they would not have an altar of Baal.

So they started to compromise. They started to go as the world was going. And so Gideon, in the middle of the night, this is Judges chapter 6, Gideon, in the middle of the night, took like, it was like ten men, I think, with him, and they destroyed the Temple of Baal. Well, then the Israelites, when they got up that morning, got mad.

How dare whoever destroyed the Temple of Baal should be destroyed? The Temple of Baal is occultic worship. It's satanic. worship. And instead of them being excited that they're the destruction of Baal, they were angry. Just like there was a lot of people who saw I live in Iowa and in Iowa's capital around the same time of Christmas, there was a satanic, occultic, monument that was set up in our capital.

How it was allowed, I have no idea. But somebody came in, and thank God for that man, and he destroyed it. He cut its head off. Well, then there was an uproar. Oh, freedom of speech, and freedom of this, and freedom of that, and blah, blah, blah. No, that is some people compromising. Why does the enemy always get their freedom of speech, and their freedom of worship?

But God's people don't. God's people have to just shut their mouths and not say a thing. We just have to just be quiet. No, that is not what God's asking us to do at all. God is asking us to shout louder. God is asking us to not surrender. God is asking us to stand and stick up for him and stand for truth.

and freedom. We are not supposed to sit silently by and watch our enemies do whatever they want to do. We are supposed to say something about it. So anyway, you see that Gideon obeyed God by destroying this temple of Baal. Okay, this altar of Baal. Then you see God use Gideon in an even greater way to destroy the, the, the Medes.

Or the Midianites. So if you look in Judges chapter 7 and verse 2, Judges chapter 7 verse 2, the Lord said to Gideon, the people who are with you are too many. Now, he's sending them into battle, okay? He's sending Gideon with his army into battle. There's like 30, 000 of them. Then God tells Gideon, there's too many.

He said, you are too many for me to give the Midianites into your hands, lest Israel boast about themselves against me, saying my own hand has delivered me. So he's saying, as you're going in a multitude to destroy the Midianites, there are too many of you. Because if those 30, 000 people would have went and fought that battle, then the Israelites would have boasted.

And said, look, look at us. Look how powerful we are. Look what we did. And they wouldn't have given glory to God. And that's why it went from 30, 000 down to 300. Because when we're in battle like this, as we are in this nation, and as we are in nations all over the world, God is not going to let anyone take credit and the glory for what he's doing.

Is he going to bring the enemy down? Yes. He's promised he's going to do it. And that should be in our hearts and in our minds. But Gideon, he's probably thinking, God, you would think that we need a multitude of this people, a massive amount of people, to go after this great multitude and this great army.

Well, look what he did with David. It didn't take a mighty army to destroy Goliath. That mighty army that was sent, supposed to be, to go to fight Goliath, they were all hiding like cowards. And I'm going to be very nice, but I'm still going to be a little feisty here. There is a lot of God's people in the army of the Lord who are doing exactly what the Israelites did when it came to Goliath.

They hid. They're not fighting. They're staying in their little box. They don't want to, to be controversial. They don't want to say things that might upset people. But what about what God wants them to say? What about what God wants them to say to their congregations of what they need to know exactly what to do in this fight?

Because there's about to be something that's going to break wide open and people and a lot of the body of Christ is not going to be able to know how to handle it. So that's why no matter what I have to say, no matter what I have to do, I'm going to do whatever God tells me to do. And I say whatever God tells me to say, no matter how feather, how many feathers are ruffled, because I have to, we are not in a time where we're supposed to compromise.

We're not in a time where we're supposed to sit back and just be quiet. We're in a time where we have to shout even more, ruffle more feathers, be more controversial. If you're standing up for the word of God and saying exactly what God needs you to say, God's people cannot be complacent. We have to start marching toward our victory.

We're not going to do that by standing back and cowering, like some people are doing. And so, here with Gideon, again, it's so great, these examples with David. It only took one guy, David, trusting in God to show that it wasn't David who defeated Goliath. It wasn't David who got that he wasn't glorified.

It was God, just like how God has given us in so many different prophetic words. But I know one of the prophetic words when he's talked about President Trump as being his David of today, he said, I Am the driving force. To that stone. It's not the power of president Trump. It's going to be his obedience to God and God's instruction is going to be that driving force of that stone to drive out the giants and then drive out the establishment.

So it's putting our faith and trust in God and God's power, God's authority, and what God's going to do. And again, he keeps warning. And election is not going to say this country. Are we going to, if we have an election, are we going to all vote? Yes, we're all going to vote. Yes, we are going to do that, but we can't believe more in an election and then put your guard down and go, okay, we won the election.

So that's it. God's warning us. Do not do that. We don't need an election to save us. We need God. God is using President Trump. Yes, but President Trump by himself and winning this election will not deliver our country from this establishment. And for the demonic things that are holding on to it, we need God and God's army.

And this is also where we have a part to play in it. No matter if it looks like there's only a few of us, or whatever, it doesn't matter. God is saying, does it matter if it looks like we're less of an army, which we're not. It may look that way, but we're not. We're still greater. But even if we have, but we don't have the numbers compared to the world.

We don't need the numbers. All we need is God. And so if you look here with Gideon in verse 4, this is Judges 7 verse 4, And the Lord said to Gideon, The men are still too many, so he already had gotten rid of some. Okay? He went from 22, 000 down to 10, 000. And so now he's telling them in verse 4, Gideon, there's still too many.

And if you keep reading, verse five, so he brought men down to the water and the Lord said to Gideon, everyone who laps up the water with his tongue as a dog, laps it, you shall set by himself. Likewise, everyone who bows down on the knees to drink. So then he's telling them the ones who do this, you need to separate them still.

So then the number of those who left putting their hands to their mouth was 300 men. So we went from thousands to 300. Again, it's not about the number. Is that about the quantity? It's the quality. It's the quality of us trusting in God, believing in him, believing in his authority, believing in what he wants us to do.

It's not the number. It's us trusting and believing in God. Look what says down in verse seven, and the Lord said of Gideon, with the 300 men who lapped up, I will deliver you and give them mini manites into your hand. Let let all the others return Every man. to his home. God said, because you obeyed me, I'm going to deliver you.

So there are times when we're going through these different things. It looks like the opposite. It looked like with Gideon. Okay. If I have 22, 000 men or three 30, 000 men, I'm going to win because we have a great multitude. But God's saying is have to stop going by what things look like because it's not by your might.

It's mine. That's what God is telling us. It's not by our might. It's by God's might through us. That's the reason why it's so important for us to trust in Him, believe in Him, stand on His word, and declare and decree and be in agreement with Almighty God. Verse 9, That same night the Lord said to Gideon, Arise, go down against the camp, for I have given them in to your hands.

I have given them in. into your hands. Doesn't it sound familiar? Of something else. Go to 2nd Chronicles. If you look at this, we've gone over this many times so I'm not going to go over all of it. I'm just giving you an example. When you obey God, Gideon could have stood and said, Lord, this is just crazy. I have to keep the 22, 000 men or the 30, 000 men.

I have to do it. If he would have did it his own way, he would have lost. But he didn't. He trusted and obeyed God. That's the reason why no matter what we see and what God is telling us to do, even though it's like the opposite of what we should be doing, God is saying trust in him. Trust in him. Look what happened.

In verse 22, 2 Chronicles 20, 22, and you have Jehoshaphat, praying and standing, declaring, decreeing, they were not going to give up, okay? They didn't give up, they asked God what to do, the prophet came on the scene, the prophet told them what to do, and they obeyed. And this is what happened. First Second Chronicles 20, 22.

Now, when they began to sing and praise the Lord, and he said ambushes against the people of Amon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah. And they were defeated. Why were they defeated? Because Jehoshaphat's army was greater in number. No, they actually weren't. They were way outnumbered, but they fasted, they prayed and they kept and they praised and they kept their focus on God.

And then the enemies defeated themselves. As you will see God said right here, and when they began to sing and to praise the Lord, set ambushes against, The people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, and they were defeated. God's people did not have to lift a finger physically.

They had to praise and worship God. That's how we fight. Remember, it's that war, worship, and resist. When we're in times of war, which war we are in, it's worship and resist, and the wicked are restricted. That's what we're supposed to do. That's our job. Keep our focus on God. Do not get in fear. Do not get in panic.

Do not worry about what you're seeing. We have to focus on God. And then if you see in 2 Chronicles 20, 24, so when Judah came to a place overlooking the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude and they were, their body, the dead bodies fallen on the earth. No one had escaped. But did God's people have to fight physically in that fight?

No, so no matter what it looks like, we don't have to physically fight in that manner. What we do is a fight in the greatest fight you can do. It's fighting with the word of God. It's speaking the word of God, declaring the word of God, decreeing the word of God, standing on his word, fighting with that sword of the spirit, which is the greatest weapon in the in God's army that he can give to us besides the name of Jesus Christ.

Amen. Amen. We have the weapon, which is the sword of the spirit, which is God's word, and we have the power of the name of Jesus, and there is nothing, there is nothing that the enemy can do against it. Nothing. Go to Psalm chapter 9. I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word here in a second.

Psalms chapter 9,

look at verse okay, he's talking about praising. Psalm chapter 9 and verse 1. I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart. I will show forth, recount, and tell aloud all your marvelous works and wonderful deeds. If you feel like in your heart that there are so many horrible things in your life that you don't know what to thank God for, there's always something.

I promise you, you can find something that God has done for you. But if you truly can't see anything that God has done for you, Besides giving your life and giving breath in your lungs and your heart beating, get into the word and see what all the things that he did and start recounting and telling aloud, Lord, you did this.

Lord, you did this. Lord, I thank you. Father God, you saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. If you save them, you'll save me. You saved David against Goliath. You saved Daniel in the lion's den. And to start recounting and telling aloud all those awesome and wonderful things that God did. Think about the book of Exodus and how he saved a nation in a day.

Think about what he just did for our nation. He saved our nation in a day. He saved our rightful president in a day. In a matter of a millisecond, He saved us. We should be recounting and telling aloud those things. Focusing on those things. And then it says, verse 2, I will rejoice in you, will be in high spirits, I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

Verse 3, so you're singing. You're worshiping. So when you're in war, you will say, worship and resist. Then the wicked are restricted. These are like those the scriptures that go along with that. I will sing to your name, O Most High. So when we're going through things of defeat, we're supposed to sing.

Sing. Then it says, verse 3. So if we do sing, and we're not sitting there pouting, and we're not sitting there getting in defeat, God's saying, When my enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before you. Why did God's enemies stumble and perish before, like David was saying when he was doing this hymn, when he was singing this.

Why? Because he recounted, told aloud, he reminded himself how good God was. He was thanking God. He was praising and worshiping God. He was worshiping and resisting. And when he was doing that, then the wicked turned. That's why the enemy doesn't want you worshiping. They don't want you praising God. They don't want you thanking God.

And if we thanks, we give thanksgiving and praise, we enter his courts. We enter his courts with thanksgiving and praise. But that's why there's so many people who have lost joy. That's why so many people don't have joy at all in their hearts, because Satan wants to steal your joy so he can keep everything he's stolen from you.

That's why I love that teaching from Jerry Savelle and I will keep saying it. It's one of the best teachings right now that people need to hear. If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. People need to keep their joy. It's so easy to lose your joy. And if you have no joy, you have no strength.

If you had no strength, you're going to be defeated. Joy is so important in the timeframe that we're living in. So verse four, for you have maintained my right and my cause. You sat on the throne, judging righteously. Verse five, you have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever and ever.

That's why we should be praising and worshiping God because God blots out the names of the enemies forever. He destroys them. He cuts them off. They stumble and they fall. They retreat. There's so many scriptures that I had that I could have gone over today, but I'll have to wait for next time. But there's so many scriptures where God's people, if they're doing what God tells them to do, The enemies will retreat.

Verse six, Psalm nine, verse six. The enemies have been cut off and have vanished in the everlasting ruin. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities, the very memory of them past perished and vanished. Why do people, why do people think in this earth right now that God's not gonna do anything that he says in his word right here?

Why would people think that? God will do everything, He says in His Word. He's no respecter of persons. And if He saved and delivered people before, He'll do the same thing again. God is going to do it. Then He says, Psalm 9, verse 7, But the Lord shall remain and continue forever. The Lord shall remain and continue forever.

He has prepared and established His throne for judgment. Remember, God's, one of the foundations of God's throne is judgment. So we are going to see judgment. Against our enemies. Verse eight, Psalm nine, verse eight. He will judge the world in righteousness and rightness and equity. He will minister justice to the people of uprightness.

Verse nine, the Lord also will be a refuge and a high tower for the oppressed and refuge and stronghold and times of trouble in high cost destitutes and desperation. God will do what. He will be your fortress. He will be your refuge. And so if we need the time that we're living in right now, we're living in a war, a war of good versus evil.

We're living in times where people are growing weary. They're, they're battle weary. Okay. A lot of people can get battle wary. It's not like you're like, not like anybody else. And you're just this, this person that's just out here by yourself. And you're feeling when everybody else is, you know, being so great and, and achieving all their goals.

No, a lot of people are battle weary right now, but that's when it says in acts

Go to acts chapter 3 Acts chapter 3 in verse 19 says so repent change your mind and purpose turn around return to God That your sins may be erased blotted out wipe clean that times of refreshing and recovering from the effects of the heat reviving with fresh air may come From the presence of the Lord.

So what do you have to do when you're battle weary? You get, you repent, you return to God, and there's that time of refreshing. He will give you that strength. He will give you that encouragement. He will give you that joy. He will give you that peace. Right here recovery from the effects of the heat. So the enemy has you in this battle and a lot of people again They're growing weary.

And so they feel they're feeling the effects of that heat Just like look at shadrach meshach and abednego Jesus showed up for him the fourth man the son of God showed up in that fiery furnace Well, if he showed up in that fiery furnace For them, he'll show up in the fiery furnace for us. And how we get recovery from being battle weary is we get into the presence of God.

How do you do that? People may ask, Julie, how do you do that? You say Heavenly Father and Jesus name. You got God's attention. You got heaven's attention and you say the name of Jesus. And so when you need refreshment, when you need that strength, when you need that peace and you're battle weary, go read Acts chapter three in verse 19.

Get, return to God, repent, return to Him, and receive that recovery from the effects of the heat. Okay, now I'm gonna go over this prophetic word again.

Again, this is the second word from July 21st. A great eruption is taking place in your capital, O United States. So this is the first paragraph. My children, your enemies are in the hot seat of defeat. They are extremely uncomfortable and fear has set in. this is the time that many of them will fold and some will sing like canaries.

They are so desperate to save themselves. They will turn on ones. They never thought they would turn on. Okay, hold on. I have to go to the scripture that Lord was showing me about this. Go to Isaiah.

He was showing me because there's so many different scriptures in the Bible where it talks about the enemies turn on themselves. People don't think they will, but they are. Isaiah 49 26

and I will make those who oppress you consume themselves and I will make those who oppress you consume themselves mutually destructive wars thus eating their own flesh and they will be drunk with their own blood and as with sweet wine with all flesh will know that with the knowledge and the grounded and personal experience that I the Lord and your Savior and your Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob.

It sounds harsh. It truly does sound harsh, but God's saying the enemies will turn on one another. You saw that in the book of 2 Chronicles 20. I read that to you. When God's people were praising and worshiping God, the enemies God set up ambushes against the enemies and they turned on themselves.

Here's another scripture Isaiah 49 and verse 26. They turn on themselves. Another one is 1st Samuel 14. I'll just go through these really, really quickly because I have to, I have to keep going. 1st Samuel 14 and verse 6. 1st Samuel 14 verse 6 and Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor come let us go over to the garrison of these Uncircumcised and it may meet may be that the Lord will make will work for us for nothing Restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few this is really really important because it doesn't matter how big of an army we're facing or a few of an army we're facing or How many of an army was with us?

Or how many there's not with us i'm gonna read that again Then jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor come let us go over to the garrison of these Uncircumcised that means they knew the enemies of almighty God that they did not have a covenant with God for for nothing restrains the lord from saving by many or by few Jump down to verse 10.

But if thus says come up to us Then we will go up, for the Lord has delivered them into our hand, and this will be a sign unto us. God will deliver the enemy into our hand. They will also turn on themselves. If we just read these scriptures of what God did so much for so many of His people, We would not have the attitude that a lot of people have today.

Psalm 56, in verse 9,

Then shall my enemies turn back in the day that I cry out this I know, for God is with me. We have to start reading scriptures of victory. We have to start reading about scriptures where the enemies are cut off, and the enemies turn back, and the enemies turn on themselves, and the enemies stumble and fall.

The enemies may come against us one way, but flee before us seven ways, in Deuteronomy 28, 7. We have to realize that God is bigger. And yes, the enemies will turn on themselves. You can read different scriptures in the Bible that they do than they have done it many times. God is with us, so who can be against us?

All right, now, and he specifically says in this first verse, paragraph, they're in the hot seat of defeat. Of course, they're in the hot seat of defeat, because they've already been defeated. It doesn't look like it yet, but you'll see it. So then the, in the second paragraph, it says, publicly, with this shift of change, that means you're going to start seeing them turn on each other.

So you're going to publicly see a shift in change, which we've already started to see some, especially even since this prophetic word was 21st. You can start seeing some of that. Well, you're going to start seeing even more. An overwhelming fear of blackmail videos, audio emails, along with their servers and what is in them will begin to pour out.

So they have things against themselves. Against each other, I mean. Against their own party. And they're holding themselves hostages, basically, and saying, Okay, if you do this to me, I'm going to do this to you. Well, if you do this to me, I'm going to do this to you. And all of a sudden, it's going to start being released.

Again, Dave, Pastor Dave and I talked about this yesterday. Along with their emails, along with their servers, and what is in them will begin to pour out. You will see explosions of truth and proof on a scale never seen before. Now, I just seen somebody had put out that there was more fraud that was exposed in Georgia in the 2020 election.

Imagine that. That's what God said. That those truths would still be coming out, and He's not done with the 2020 election. Some people have given up on it. God has not given up on the restoration of all of these elections that have been stolen from God's people. We just can't give up on them. God hasn't.

God said in Proverbs 6 30 and 31, when a thief has been caught, he's got to give it back sevenfold. God wants to return what has been stolen. We just have to uphold and believe in God's word. Next paragraph. Your enemies will try more diversions. They will try more distractions and more destruction.

Now that will freak somebody out at times, but God saying, don't, don't get upset with the diversions and their distractions and their destruction. God has already said, he's your fortress, fortress. He's your refuge. He's your protector. We just now have taken for his word. We just now have to believe him.

And it says they will allow your enemies and other nations to strike your nation. There's about to be signal. Your government will put out verbiage and specific words similar to my David's attempted assassination on his life. Remember one of the things that Biden said? Something's going to hit him that he doesn't see coming.

Something's going to hit Trump that he doesn't see coming. That was July 2nd. And then July 8th said he had a bullseye on him. And then all of a sudden, on July 13th, an assassination attempt. That was a key word. That was their verbiage. And then all of a sudden you had all these different people coming out and saying, assassinate him, assassinate him, assassinate him.

Biden, you can assassinate him because of the immunity case. Now you have the right to assassinate, kill him. And I've already proved all that, because it's already been all over the news. They probably try to hide it, but you can go back, and I had it on one of the videos that was showing that there was elites here in this country, and there's people in other different countries that were saying the same thing.

Then he says, listen to your media in Washington. They will say a key word or a phrase repeatedly that will signal the terrorist cells in this nation to activate. We have terrorist cells in this nation. We know we have terrorist cells, but God's saying they're going to say this word to activate the terrorist cells, and it says it will set off a chain of events I've been telling you about.

God's been warning us about this, of chaos and destruction. They will pour out everything they can in a short period of time. You say, but what are we supposed to do? Go read the scriptures you just gave to us today. Go read what he did with Gideon. Go read what he did with David. Go read what he did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Mendeco.

Go read what he did with Daniel. Go read what he did in the book of Exodus. Go read these sayings, and know when you start seeing these sayings, know your heart's focused on God. Nope, nope, nope. God said in his word that he's going to deliver me. God said he's my refuge. He's my fortress. He's my high tower.

He says that that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. He also said I'm in this world, but I'm not of it. John 17, 13. See, if you have all these things and you're feeding on all this word, then all of a sudden when these things start coming up, you're gonna start getting this word out of the heart of the mouth to speak.

So get the word down inside your heart, so when times come, you're gonna speak it out your mouth. Then it says, Do not fear these moves. Do not fear their moves. I Am shielding you as a nation and as my people, just as I shielded my David. That's a great example. From those bullets, from that kill shot. Now God talked to us about a death shot and a kill shot before that even happened.

I will show you I'm your provider, your comforter, even when the world is at a standstill and when it looks bleak and dark, I'm your light in your life. So God's warning us. It's going to look bleak and dark and people are going to start freaking out and go, Oh my gosh, it's bleak and dark. Well, God told you what God's saying.

We're supposed to celebrate because he's bringing our enemies down. Your enemy's power is being taken from them. When it was bleak and dark in the book of Exodus, when it was dark for those three days, it was light and goshen. That darkness was right before the greatest breakthrough that the Egyptian, that the Israelites ever had against the Egyptians.

It was dark before it got light, but who cares? It was dark for the God's enemies, but now for God's people, that's where we had to read John 17. Go read it over and over again. Also go read John 16 33. God keeps reminding us of these scriptures. He says your enemy's power is being taken from them. Listen to this very carefully.

This will affect your technology in every way possible. This will affect your day to day life. You are used to, but remember me because I Am setting you free from what you see. Okay. This will not last forever. This will not be, not be the end to you, but the end to your enemies. So when we started seeing things start shifting and changing and going awry and, and look, things look bleak and things look dark and you don't understand, look to these words.

That's why prophetic and that's why prophecy is so important right now Look to these words and look to what God's saying guys also directing you to his to his written word through his prophecy And his prophetic words. He's giving giving us us out. He's directing us right back to his word He's aligning himself right back to his word He says so stand your ground things are about to intensify and shake like never before again.

He's talking about that shaking again Normal will not be the way anymore. That's a good thing you will see because you will see me through it all. It's not gonna be normal anymore. Who cares? That normal was not the normal that God wanted for us. He says a great eruption is taking place in your capital or United States, eruption of truth and proof that will send this nation into something you won't understand.

He's already warning you with his eruption of truth. It's going to send this country into something that we're not going to understand. But then he says, But this is a sign of freeing of my eagle and the destruction of the establishment is coming down before your eyes, sayeth the Lord. So when you see something that you may not understand, but God's saying, I'm hearing healing your land.

So don't focus on the negative thing. Don't focus on what it looks like, where it's a destruction of this nation, when it's actually the freeing of this nation. Where is your mind going to be focused on? Is it going to be focused on. What God is saying and God is doing, or is He going to focus on what the enemy is saying and doing?

Firm, foundation, firm, focus, foundation on the Father. And that's what He keeps telling us. So this is what He's saying again. This is one that I heard from early this morning. This is a short one. Their polls are lying. Their power is a lie. Their narrative is a lie. Their government is a lie. Their control is a lie.

My children, all your enemies have are lies and illusions. Listen to that. All they have are lies and illusions. Don't believe what you are, what you see, because they don't have control over this nation or this world. As they seem to have your enemies days in this in their power are about to expire. A great surrender will be seen.

Yes. A surrender. Your enemies are walking right toward their defeat and they are about to retreat. So stand firm. Don't move from your positions of fighting and holding that line of victory. Because I Am showing up. So don't give up say the Lord. This is where we hold the line There's so many different times that people want to give up and people want to quit and I understand that There's many times recently That those thoughts have come through my mind because of all these different things that have come and hit me just one thing after another I hate this ministry one after another and after another and after another in all these different ways It looks like you're being surrounded and attacked and and you're just everything is going wrong instead of everything going right But where is the attention?

Everybody has an opportunity every single day to quit. But every single day you have an opportunity to stand and see God show up. What are you going to do on that day? What are you going to do every day? Are you going to quit and give in? Or are you going to let God in? Are you going to let Him show up for you?

Or are you going to let Him do the greatest thing that He's ever You may be today standing in the greatest decision of your life. You're at a crossroads. What direction are you going to take? You take the direction of God and what he's saying, even though it looks like the opposite of what you should do, he'll give you the greatest breakthrough you've ever had because you trusted in him and you were walking by faith and not by sight.

And that was what God wants us to do today. Now I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go, because we have to stand on the word of God and realize no matter what we see, It is the defeat of our enemy. That is what we're seeing. We're going to see judgment. We're going to see shaking. We're going to see unprecedented.

We're going to see unconventional, but that's not to fear it. It's to celebrate what God is doing for us. And it doesn't take, you know, 30 million people. All it takes is people like you and I that will stand here and say, God, I trust you. I trust you, Lord. I thank you that you're delivering this country.

I thank you that you're delivering the body of Christ from what it looks like. I thank you, father. God is not bleak for us, but it's bleak for our enemies. I thank you, father. God, you save us. You're protecting us. Just like the land of Goshen, because you are the same God. That's what we need to be doing.

So heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, first of all, we thank you for giving these words to us. We thank you, Father God, that you are our refuge. We thank you that you are our fortress. You are our high tower. You are our protector. And we thank you and praise you, Father God, that no weapon formed against this nation, no weapon formed against our rightful president, his family, or anybody he's picking, Father God, to be around him, no weapon formed against the body of Christ shall prosper.

And, Father God, we call down these wicked schemes. We know we can't stop all of it, but we can stop the effect of it. And I thank you, Father God, that in this time of this shaking, that more of your people are waking up to your written word. They're waking up to you, Father God, in what you were saying and the path and direction that you need them to take.

Father God, I thank you that you are going to get the glory, that you and your hand, Father God, is healing this land. And nations all around the world. I thank you for protecting your people. Just like you did in the land of Goshen, you protected them from the angel of death. You protected them from the darkness.

You protected them from those plagues. So we thank you as these judgments are coming down, you are protecting your people. We are in this world, as you said in John 17, but we, are not of it. So Father God, we thank you that we are not subject to what's going to happen with the economy. We're not subject to what's going to happen with our food supply.

We're not subject what's going to happen to that mind control that they're going to try to do. We're not subject to any, to any form of defeat. We're not subject to any of the things that the enemy tries to do against us. Because you father God are our victory and we declare our victory and our enemies defeat So I thank you father God that you are strengthening and perfecting their faith And their trust in you and that they're focused on you and that they will not give up and they will not quit They will never surrender and they will stand and fight that good fight of faith And I thank you father God for them the impartation of joy And I know you keep saying this father God and we keep declaring it and decreeing it That we have the joy of the Lord is which is our strength.

And so we thank you for more joy today. We thank you for the peace in our hearts. Peace in our minds. Peace in our families. Peace, Father God, in our countries. Peace. We declare and we decree peace. And we thank you, Father God, no matter what the enemies try to do in our streets. No matter what they try to do, Father God, in anything.

You are bigger and we will keep our focus on you and we thank you for it. In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, hope to encourage you today. Now, again, tomorrow you will see a live broadcast, but it will be just a rebroadcast of pastor David, myself from yesterday. So if you miss it, don't worry about it. We're going to post it here at six 30 in the morning, potential time, like we always do.

And I'll be back with you again on Monday, on Monday morning, I'll be back because I'm flying home tomorrow early morning from the great state of Texas. So I just want to say I hope this encourages you. Now again, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, don't forget. I don't care if I'm out of town and we're separated from the prayer team and the prayer team's here and some of them here and some of them aren't.

We still pray over you. We still have a very powerful prayer team. They're praying all the time. They can stay in the gap for you. So make sure you'd send all your prayer requests to our website, or you can go and write us at Julie green ministries, international 4620 East 53rd street, sweet 200, Danport, Iowa, 5, 2, 8 0 7.

And of course, if you do want any Julie green ministries, merchandise, you can go to three sons, shreds. com. Get those make America pray again. God wins firm, focused foundation on the father. Don't comply to a lie. All those different things that we have remind our enemies, just be wearing that stuff, reminding our enemies every day.

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