Movies. Are you going to see Matt Walsh's new movie?

3 months ago

I loosen up and talk about a PLETHORA of conversations and it all comes down to a lesson of "Don't be jealous of others money and profit"... which has been the seeding the Democrats have done to their followers and the attacks on corporations. I'm not too crazy about the power some of these large corporations can have over us, but I'm not opposed to people making money like the Dems or Uniparty seem to show, while they stay in the positions in DC with no term limits, inside trading info and looking down on us because they enjoy the power over us. So while I mention Teddy Roosevelt... we do sort of need another Teddy...or someone to chop down some of the power these big companies seem to have. Just watch Kamala... she SO wants to have control over what we can say online. And even Elizabeth Warren didn't want to go that far... when in that debate (many years ago) when she replied they just wanted Trump out of the white house and didn't care about what he did online. I'm not a big fan of 'Pocahontas' but at least she didn't go so far left as Kamala Harris wants!

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